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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - need some advice.

lol.I want that game because Atari is revamping the PS3 verison. And isn't the game cheaper now?

Sent from PS3

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I don't know man...still its not a game you will keep for more than a month. And cheaper retail price means less resale value when you want to trade it in.
And yeah, by all means play it on ps3 as it can only be better...and I thought it was pretty good already.

Well hopefully with NXE and game installs you'll have less of a chance of the disc driving dying, and contrary to what others say there seems to be less heat output when the games are run off the HD versus the HD and DVD drive. So it will be interesting to see RROD numbers with people who take advantage of burning games to their HD. Also less noise of course.

Honestly the 360 is still expensive if you wish to take advantage of this feature - it will run you $399 for a 120 gig HD and a elite in black finish. However, if you don't wish to buy Microsoft's overpriced accessories you can get a Arcade console for $199 and supposedly a refurbed HD through MS for $20, and I'm sure you could always "burn" one of your favorite games to the HD, delete it, then burn the next game... I'm assuming if you own a 360 you won't have many games since you'll still be Pro-Sony, so that might be the route to go.

I'm getting a PS3 myself when they hit $300 (next Christmas) or less. It's wise to buy all three systems regardless if you can get the cash.

It's just that simple.


The driving mechanics in Alone in the Dark are horrible!!! I just got done playing the PS3 demo!! I'm not buying or renting sorry. Plus there was alot of pop-ups that screwed my driving up.

Sent from PS3

xlost7 said:

The driving mechanics in Alone in the Dark are horrible!!! I just got done playing the PS3 demo!! I'm not buying or renting sorry. Plus there was alot of pop-ups that screwed my driving up.

Sent from PS3

Well there you go...


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I got Alone in the Dark $10 off a gaming website (gogamer?) awhile back. They were supposed to patch the game by Christmas, and I'm still waiting for that patch otherwise I'll probably never get around to beating the game :\

It's just that simple.

disolitude said:
xlost7 said:

The driving mechanics in Alone in the Dark are horrible!!! I just got done playing the PS3 demo!! I'm not buying or renting sorry. Plus there was alot of pop-ups that screwed my driving up.

Sent from PS3

Well there you go...


Yeah now I can actually explain to you about the Alone in the Dark demo I played.

I played the PS3 version and was expecting everything to be better than the X360 version. After playing the PS3 version, I can safely say this game is the same. The only difference in demos is that the PS3 version gave you a longer driving sequence than the X360 version.

What made it more frustrating was the fact when I was driving, I just kept seeing pop-up objects just appear from out of no where just distracting my driving abilities. I mean once I made a turn and then made a jump with the car and I saw a clear path. All of a sudden 3 cars appear from out of nowhere and make me crash. And I died in this sequence like 5 or 7 times and then gave up.

The controls are just horrible, I tried to get use to them, but switching between first-person to third-person was just clumsy in my opinion. The customization options like firing weapons, and killing the enemys were a nice feature. I just felt the mechanics just needed more work. If Eden Games actually just took some more time, and obiviously they had about the first half of the generation to do this. I would then buy the game, other than that this game is just not worth the admission if someone gave it to you for free. I'm sorry Atari, but try to make another Alone in the Dark or make a remake of the original.

Sorry for going off topic mods, but I just had to ask disolitude if the game was good or not.


Do not put that game in your PS3 or Xbox 360. It's a waste of your time really. You shouldn't had spent $10 on it. If you think you can work around the mechanics, well so be it. If not then just listen to me and not play it. If your into horror games I suggest you play Silent Hill: Homecoming than this game.

To be honest,I dont think there is a reason why you should get a 360,the same reason why i dont think i should get a PS3,Because most games are on both systems,Unless your a hardcore gamer(and i mean HARDCORE)then you shouldnt need to waste money.

Its true...But im still getting a PS3 :P


I don't really have the time to play video games like that, so I wouldn't be called or titled hardcore, but I do own all three current gen consoles and I have the PSP and DS.

megaman2 said:

Basically im thinking of purchasing an xbox 360 because they have become very affordable, what I want to ask is if for example i was to get the rrod would I still be covered by the microsoft 3-year plan, cheers.


Buy your warranty in store you can talk into like Best buy. If you get RROD you can just replace it in store. Don't trust Microsoft unless its a last resort and you want to not see your 360 for 2 weeks if anything goes wrong.