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Well hopefully with NXE and game installs you'll have less of a chance of the disc driving dying, and contrary to what others say there seems to be less heat output when the games are run off the HD versus the HD and DVD drive. So it will be interesting to see RROD numbers with people who take advantage of burning games to their HD. Also less noise of course.

Honestly the 360 is still expensive if you wish to take advantage of this feature - it will run you $399 for a 120 gig HD and a elite in black finish. However, if you don't wish to buy Microsoft's overpriced accessories you can get a Arcade console for $199 and supposedly a refurbed HD through MS for $20, and I'm sure you could always "burn" one of your favorite games to the HD, delete it, then burn the next game... I'm assuming if you own a 360 you won't have many games since you'll still be Pro-Sony, so that might be the route to go.

I'm getting a PS3 myself when they hit $300 (next Christmas) or less. It's wise to buy all three systems regardless if you can get the cash.

It's just that simple.