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Forums - General Discussion - America's March Towards Socialism

That Guy said:

Anyways, the bottom line is that human corruption is prevalent in all aspects of organizations, whether it be financial, political, or religious. Someone always gets screwed over from these big three organizations.

Yeah thats pretty much the evil 3. But this is a discussion of the OP's desire to surrender faith, life, and liberty to what he precieves to be a centrally-powerful yet benevolent (i know obviously oxymoronic) form of government. And the way he deludes himself into such an ideaology is to beleive that governments are not as evil as the other 2 or that human curruption isnt as prevalent as it is in the other 2, which is ridiculous, especially with all the historical evidence available. Literally, he's thinking; "yea, socialism/marxism may have been the leading murderer, destroyer of human rights, and poverty creater of the past century, but under Obama it will be different. YAY!"



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senseinobaka said:
That Guy said:

Anyways, the bottom line is that human corruption is prevalent in all aspects of organizations, whether it be financial, political, or religious. Someone always gets screwed over from these big three organizations.

This is a discussion of the OP's desire to surrender faith, life, and liberty to what he precieves to be a centrally-powerful yet benevolent (i know obviously oxymoronic) form of government. And the way he deludes himself into such an ideaology is to beleive that governments are not as evil as the other 2 or that human curruption isnt as prevalent as it is in the other 2, which is ridiculous.

No, your statements are ridiculous.  Thinking that administration form has no bearing on the actions of an organization is obsurd.  

Is a liberal democracy like the United States of America just as evil as a fascist dictatorship like Nazi Germany?

For senseinobaka, the answer is yes.  But the obvious answer is no because of the structure of the United States of America has a more 'benevolent' administrative structure.  In a democracy, citizens elect their leaders and their leaders have to keep their electorate pleased or they will lose their power.  In a dictatorship, there is no check and balance system that gives the citizens the power to control their leaders.  Thus, it is blatantly obvious that by looking at the structural form of each organization, some organizations are better than others.

Your statements on socialism are equally foolish.  Socialist countries like Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway are hardly murderous countries full of poverty.  Norway even has a higher GDP per capita than America, but you were never one for facts...


I didn't read that massively long speech.

I believe the financial crisis was caused by too much regulation. If the market had been freer (no government directives that subsidise mortgages to customers who can't pay; no government-sponsored banks like Freddie Mac was*, no trade restrictions, no corporate tax breaks) it would have been better.

Therefore a move towards American socialism (i.e. corporate, not personal, welfare) is bad and will prolong the recession.

*even before this crisis.

Soleron said:

I believe the financial crisis was caused by too much regulation. If the market had been freer (no government directives that subsidise mortgages to customers who can't pay; no government-sponsored banks like Freddie Mac was*, no trade restrictions, no corporate tax breaks) it would have been better.

There are good forms of regulation and bad forms of regulation.  Regulation that prevents predatory lending is a good thing.  Regulation that supports bad business decisions is a bad thing.  The trick is deciding which regulation is beneficial and which regulation is harmful.


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