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That Guy said:

Anyways, the bottom line is that human corruption is prevalent in all aspects of organizations, whether it be financial, political, or religious. Someone always gets screwed over from these big three organizations.

Yeah thats pretty much the evil 3. But this is a discussion of the OP's desire to surrender faith, life, and liberty to what he precieves to be a centrally-powerful yet benevolent (i know obviously oxymoronic) form of government. And the way he deludes himself into such an ideaology is to beleive that governments are not as evil as the other 2 or that human curruption isnt as prevalent as it is in the other 2, which is ridiculous, especially with all the historical evidence available. Literally, he's thinking; "yea, socialism/marxism may have been the leading murderer, destroyer of human rights, and poverty creater of the past century, but under Obama it will be different. YAY!"



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