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Forums - PC Discussion - What was your first programming language?

Maybe 5 of the people who answered actually knows how to program. Just an educated guess.

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^ I kinda wanna know what exactly supports this educated guess.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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Streetlife, buddy, streetlife.

Sylvarantinc said:
SnakeEyez said:
I'm learning C++ (this is my first language) and Im in college. Is that kinda late to start learning how to program?


No it isn't but be carefull of C's pointers they can be very tricky in the beginning


I would be more concerned with outsourcing... assuming he means learning to program as a career.


Sylvarantinc said:
SnakeEyez said:
I'm learning C++ (this is my first language) and Im in college. Is that kinda late to start learning how to program?


No it isn't but be carefull of C's pointers they can be very tricky in the beginning

Hopefully no one uses C's pointers with C++ anymore. That just isn't smart.

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Deneidez said:
Sylvarantinc said:
SnakeEyez said:
I'm learning C++ (this is my first language) and Im in college. Is that kinda late to start learning how to program?


No it isn't but be carefull of C's pointers they can be very tricky in the beginning

Hopefully no one uses C's pointers with C++ anymore. That just isn't smart.


I tend to do more pure C than C++ so I use them alot. (it's kind of a habit now)

but yes smartpointers are very handy for the new ones

How can you possibly misspell QWERTY? It's spelled correctly on the damn keyboard.

like many others, I started with QBASIC, then some VB, then Java, C, C++, ASM (x86, HC11), perl, php, VHDL.

Then I started working and most of my programming was VBA macros and bash scripts.

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

Some russian variant of Basic was my first. Then GW Basic/QBasic/Pascal/C/ADA/Modula 2/C++/Visual C++/C#/PHP/VB.NET ...
Anyway HTML is not a programing language, but a markup language. It will not help you to learn other programming languages at all. It will help you only to learn other markup languages like XML

I first learned Basic on an old RM Nimbus back in 1989

then in Order

Modula 2

Of all of these Java has proved itself to be most useful.

One word of warning about C and C++

There tends to be a snobby attitiude about using C++ as a superior coding platform but nine times out of ten C will get the job done and will be quicker to code.