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Forums - Website Topics - Why do you think LittleBigPlanet: Wii version will flop

darthdevidem01 said:

LBP relies on online a lot.....with those dreadful friend codes & the wii's general userbase I don't see people making lots of content n lots of online stuff.

in SSBB I could hardly get anyone online to play with!


Have you ever try mario kart??? Not all games have friend codes....jeez, can't even give a good excuse (and a new one please, this one is really old)

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Isnt LBP published by sony? which touchy of sackboys/sackgirls... unless its by sonys wtf? thread = fail.

It couldn't sell any worse than the misserable PS3 version.

BTW, why are you people talking about a Wii Version, its a PS3 exclusive.

u do no its not coming out for the wii right?

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Isnt LBP published by sony? which touchy of sackboys/sackgirls... unless its by sonys wtf? thread = fail.



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darthdevidem01 said:

Excuse me maynard

please LOOK at noname's post THEN say again who is de-railing the thread....

A comment like that is ASKING for the derailing of a thread!

What if I said in a Metroid Prime 3 thread ---- it would sell better on Xbox 360....

who's derailing the thread ME or the people replying to me?


Are you blind??? Do you even know why was this thread created???? Im serious, go and comment about LBP somewhere else.

Gearbox said:
u do no its not coming out for the wii right?



I would laugh if it did, but no, I don't believe it is. Your one saving grace for the PS3 aside from HOME is safe.

lol lbp on wii would sell more

PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOK at the frikin image in the first post. Geeeez. Seriously, don't go into a thread trying to discuss when you only read the title.

Garnett said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Isnt LBP published by sony? which touchy of sackboys/sackgirls... unless its by sonys wtf? thread = fail.




 ITT: Sony Defense Force freaks out thinking this game is actually coming to the Wii.

Sony also published FF7, do they own that game too?

Besides, with the record breaking sales on the PS3, why would they want to put this game on anything else? ;)