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Forums - Sales Discussion - Pal Charts, Week 45: The battle of the titans - Gears 2 vs. LittleBigPlanet

@Katin: Actually, 2 days. And Halo 3 had 2 days more.

Right now (after first week/2 days) Gears stands at 60% of what Halo 3 sold first week. It would be closer if Gears had 4 days but it wouldn't catch it. I said in other thread that Gears won't match Halo 3 first week (4 days) sales even with 2 weeks (9 days) of sales. 50% drop is natural for games in UK and Gears 2 will be lucky to get that kind of drop.

@papflesje: Most games are released on Friday, just like Gears 2 and have 2 days to sale in first week. There are exceptions: MGS had 3 days, Halo 3 4 days, GTA IV 5 days.

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That is to say that there would be that kind of drop that is nothing more than speculation. You really can't say that Gears 2 will not be on top again this week. Well with a 4 day launch window it maybe a bit harder, but that is still two more days of sales. 5 days may have put it much closer.

the bigger the gamer, the bigger the drop, in my opinion...

@ john: In Japan, it entered the list again because it was bundled and also because there was a new update available.

GT5p was in top ten Germany charts. It seem GT5p update increased it sales WW.

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@Katin: It's not only a specualtion. We have seen many debuts already and we more or less know what to expect. And yes, vast majority of games released in UK/EU have 2 days in first week just like Gears 2.

Anyway just 50% drop in 2nd week will be great for Gears 2.

No really it speculation. Yea, you could estimate out the other 2 days but you really have no idea on hard numbers. With that said it could very well be on top Week 2.

Also ChartTrack states the 8 best launch week overall. They are not talking about overall as in all Formats right? Because that would be an entirely different story.

shanbcn said:
Anyway just 50% drop in 2nd week will be great for Gears 2.

agreed, only a 50% drop would be amazing


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Haha wow Wii software got owned in the UK this week. No big releases in so long that all the persistent selling software is still selling the same and getting pushed out of the top 40 because of new releases on the other platforms. Kinda misrepresents it but Wii needs some bigger releases. Or PS3, 360, PS2, and DS just need less. Go figure.

anyways about 245k opener for Gears 2 in Europe which will probably be about 500k opening week for the entire territory. Huge improvement over the first. Probably do about 2 million first week in America which is quite a legit opener.

Anyways going to be another great week from a software release perspective and persistent selling titles in the charts. But Wii needs some legit releases if it wants to gain dominance in the charts again this holiday.