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Forums - Sales Discussion - Have fanboys put you off buying their console for life?

Now I can't speak for any other console as I own a 360 only but I would say "I will NEVER buy a PS3" not because it's a bad machine etc but because it would make me feel like the fanboys would belive that they partly convinced me into buying One and in some weird way they would think they were victorious and that makes me cringe.

I think this could be another reason why the Wii sells so well....Less fanboys more game playing....


Remember I own a 360 so I am speaking from a 360 perspective only...


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I like to think that fanboys have no power to influence anbody to do anything, ever. They simply exist for our amusement.

The fact that you care about what anyone on the internet thinks is sad. They are nothing more than words on a monitor.

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d21lewis said:
I like to think that fanboys have no power to influence anbody to do anything, ever. They simply exist for our amusement.

Zapp Branningan quote, but just changing fanboys and women? :P

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

lol lols.................. come on bongo, u wouldnt never buy a ps3 just simply because tht u will feel ps fans talked u into getting one? lol i would whole heartedly advise u in investing in one, even if u mainly will play on ur 360 there will always be games on ps3 that u will also like.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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That is a really stupid reason.  I assume you don't use Windows, Mac, or Linux either.

Not buying a console because of its fanboys is pathetic. Game systems should be purchased based upon the entertainment that they provide, not based upon the fanboy BS that floats around on Internet forums.

Really, if you let fanboys of a particular product influence your buying decisions, then sorry, but you´re extremely weak minded and easily manipulated, not to mention you´d have lost sight of what gaming is all about in the first place.

I do find some Sony Fanboys irrational and slightly annoying at some times, but that wouldnt be a reason why i wouldnt buy this product, there are other reasons (price, or my taste in games).

Oh heavens no. Boys will be boys! And sometimes girls will be boys, and boys will be girls. It's a mixed up, messed up, shook up world.

Regardless I'm still going to eventually get a 360 and PS3. It's all about the gamees.