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Forums - Gaming Discussion - MrBubbles takes on Mirrors Edge 360 Vs Mirrors Edge PS3 (Advantage Ps3)

I hate how people are talking about themselves in the 3rd person in these forums these days....

Also, I'm not particularly interested in Mirrors edge, aside from it being a different game experience, I don't think anything about it is very exciting.

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Oh btw I thought the demo was very enjoyable despite the issues. Quite the speed rush. So if you have no other way to buy it than PS3 or 360, don't skip it.

i played it a few days ago.

and seriously i didn't notice anything.

my only grip was the girl fall pretty often and was pretty frustating >_>

Don't you guys PLAY your games? I mean I've played the demo 5 or 6 times and all I noticed is that I love the concept of the game, that it plays really well and it's tons of fun. I wasn't looking out for jaggies or screen tears or drops in the framerate.

Signature goes here!

ToastyJaguar said:
Skeeuk said:

funny my demo ran smoothly, il test the 360 version over the coming week.

either way i will never buy the 360 version as there is no point, my 360 is dedicated hd-dvd player now.

seriously dude, sell your 360, you obviously hate it along with all its games.

stop moaning about it and sell it already!



well i have played through it again, and have to say mr. bubbles is a lair!

both versions looked very smooth to me and both ran well,

i stopped both on same sections and turned the cam about and both looked very smooth.

jaggies were on both although on this type of game with this colour scheme its something u wont notice, unless u r someone who isnt a gamer.

the only real difference i could find, was if there is an object near the edge fences and u concentrate ur view on the object, the fence blurrs out of vision, it appeared to blur out a bit quiker on 360

all in all its looking to be a good game that runs well on both systems

i think someone is just blowing bubbles on this one.

@ toasty jag, i have no intention of selling my 360, i get hd-dvd`s for £3.99 each, plus theres a few games coming out on it that i want to play

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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Squilliam said:
ToastyJaguar said:
Skeeuk said:

funny my demo ran smoothly, il test the 360 version over the coming week.

either way i will never buy the 360 version as there is no point, my 360 is dedicated hd-dvd player now.

seriously dude, sell your 360, you obviously hate it along with all its games.

stop moaning about it and sell it already!


Sell it and buy a graphics card that way you can play all games released on the PC+Consoles and PC/360 on a machine you'll actually give justice to.



if i buy a grafix card for my pc, sure il be able to play pc/360 games including most exclusives

but i wont be able to play the ps3 exclusives

thanks for the advice but il keep my ps360wii for now

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

I played this game and its a definate purchase. The games a breath of fresh air to otherwise stale genres. Its also REALLY GOOD on top of that.
