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Forums - Sony Discussion - Twisted Metal [PS3]


Are You Making Twisted Metal for PS3 - Yes or No? David Jaffe Says...

David Jaffe says bad words. That's okay, he says them well. He's also good at typing them, too. Speaking to Nottingham's GameCity festival via video link from his San Diego abode, Jaffe ended up having to to communicate with the audience through instant messenger due to sound problems. When one typed question asked Jaffe "Are you developing Twisted Metal for PS3 David — YES OR NO", the Twisted Metal lightheartedly replied:

"We haven't announced anything yet... now FUCK OFF."

What can we say, Jaffe's a Renaissance cusser.


4 ≈ One

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I hope they just let the series die at this point. The last good one was Twisted Metal 2. Ever since then it has been a sad decline and really just needs to be left alone. Release the older ones through the PSN or what have you.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Haha, I live in Nottingham. What a nice guy.


Haha thats actually pretty funny

Platinums: Red Dead Redemption, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Terminator Salvation, Uncharted 1, inFamous Second Son, Rocket League

Gnizmo said:
I hope they just let the series die at this point. The last good one was Twisted Metal 2. Ever since then it has been a sad decline and really just needs to be left alone. Release the older ones through the PSN or what have you.

You've never played Black or Head On have you? In fact, Black is widely considered to be on par or just below Twisted Metal 2 in terms of quality.

Also, Jaffe is being quiet now because he isn't allowed to officially announce it. It was confirmed in February in the PS2 Head On port.


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david jaffe wont ever tell you anything, when asked about god of war 3 in 07, he gave the same response.





Cactus said:

You've never played Black or Head On have you? In fact, Black is widely considered to be on par or just below Twisted Metal 2 in terms of quality.

Also, Jaffe is being quiet now because he isn't allowed to officially announce it. It was confirmed in February in the PS2 Head On port.


 I am relatively sure Black was the last one I played. I really could not get into the game at all. I haven't played head on, but I also have very little urge to. Black was better than the one I played before it (whose name I have intentionally forgotten) but it was not close to Twisted Metal 2 in my eyes.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gnizmo said:
I hope they just let the series die at this point. The last good one was Twisted Metal 2. Ever since then it has been a sad decline and really just needs to be left alone. Release the older ones through the PSN or what have you.


Black for PS2 was good

Twisted Metal 3 and 4 was made by a different team then 1 and 2

...I looked at the schedule for Game City, most of it looked...well not much but some good stuff going on. I might try and look at some stuff tomorrow. Was at work all day today. Good to see high profile people there..well, you know...talking at it, not like he was actualyy there.

Hmm, pie.

Twisted Metal ps3 was unofficially announced via Twisted Metal Head On.

From IGN:

Twisted Metal Coming to PS3
Secret hidden in PS2 remake found.
by Jeff Haynes

February 7, 2008 - A few weeks ago, we did an interview with David Jaffe on Eat, Sleep, Play's latest project, Twisted Metal: Head-On: Extra Twisted Edition. While Jaffe detailed what it was like to bring the title to the PS2 with new features and levels, he made a rather interesting comment in the middle of the piece – he stated that the next project for Eat, Sleep, Play was hidden within the game, and that players "will guarantee know what we're working on next if you're able to master the Twisted Metal Extra Twisted Edition." He even stated that the first person to post the answer to the code on his blog would receive a big box of chocolate from him. Well, it appears that the code has been broken. According to posts on both Gamefaqs and Neogaf, in the midst of the documentary "The Dark Past," on the game disc, numbers flash on the screen. By decoding the numbers with their spot in the alphabet, the words, "Twisted Metal is on PSTHREE" can be deciphered.

According to a piece on Kotaku, Jaffe confirmed this fact at DICE, stating that he was surprised how quickly the code was discovered and cracked. This is because Twisted Metal: Head-On: Extra Twisted Edition had been released on Tuesday to stores, leaving players 48 hours to break the code. When asked as to whether the upcoming version would be distributed via Blu-ray disc or download, Jaffe had no comment.

While Jaffe was reluctant to mention details on the distribution of the content, he did reveal in an interview with Gametap that Eat, Sleep, Play's first PS3 title of a three game contract with Sony is expected to "see the light of day at the end of 2009, maybe a little later or sooner, we'll see how things go." It now seems apparent that Twisted Metal will be the first of that contract, but no other details are currently available as to what the game will cover. We contacted SCEA for word on this upcoming project and received the following statement, "We have not made any announcements." We've also attempted to get more details from David Jaffe on all of this news, but were unable to receive comment as of press time.

No word was available on whether the chocolate will be sent to the first poster on his blog, either.