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Forums - Sony Discussion - Polyphony laughs at 2010 release, GT5 coming "sooner than expected"

Awesome news.

They must see the slipshod Japanese sales of the triple. They'd be stupid for it not to come out in 2009. That and FFXIII in Japan is going to be a good couple of months for the PS3.

Around the Network

KZ2 and GOW3 in NA
FF and WKC for japan -and for me -
GT5 for Europe

if this comes out in 09 ,,do you even know what sony's line up is gonna be in 09?

it's too good to be true.

FF XIII(japan)
uncharted 2
heavy rain
quantum theory
ratchet and clank :future 2

again :too good to be true




blackstar said:
KZ2 and GOW3 in NA
FF and WKC for japan -and for me & Dgc1808-
GT5 for Europe


Fixed :3

4 ≈ One