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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony taking steps to "investigate" LBP's problems!

I’m Glad to see sony taking steps to correct the systemic problems associated with the launch of L BP.  This has been billed as one of the most important launches for this generation, and certainly for the ps3, and it’s been a mess so far…

“Sony has said that it is still "investigating the cause" of LittleBigPlanet online issues. Meanwhile, copies of the game on both sides of the Atlantic have been patched to version 1.03.

The servers went down on Tuesday, but reports that all is now well seem to have been premature, judging by our own experience and those of others with early access. The game is out in the US, too, where there's obviously lots of moaning.

"We are aware that the online environment of LittleBigPlanet is having server performance issues, and we are investigating the cause," Sony told Eurogamer this morning. "We'll have an update to the online gameplay as soon as we possibly can."”

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

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Good. I hope they take care of it soon. I DLed the 1.03 patch, I wonder what it did.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

Funny the game actually worked for me last night until I went to bed. Woke up this morning, updated and I haven't been able to get online since.

I wish they would get their crap right, I finished all the story levels already and want some new ones to play =/

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No I really wanna see how they handle their MMO games. If they can't fix the servers for something like this, how do they expect to be able to handle the strain on MMO servers?

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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they really REALLY should have done a beta ....

Time to Work !

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libellule said:
they really REALLY should have done a beta ....

Sarcasm?  Well hopefully they have it fixed by the new year.


CGI-Quality said:
@ vlad

A game “like this” has tons going on in it. Have you played LBP? If you have then I don't get u. LBP has lots going on, and tons of people doing tons of things at once. Besides, PS3 is Sony's first attempt at such a broad online interaction. Considering a lot of their online-only games, and the AWESOME Resistance 2 coming next week, I think Sony is doing considerably well. least they will have ample amounts of lesseon learned for LBP2.  Although, they have had SNE for years now, so I'm not sure why they are having massive server problems like this...btw...didn't they have massive problems with SOCOM as well, and with weak sales for that game, thay had better hope all this bad news doesn't impact LBP's sales. 

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

It seems to be running great right now. No hiccups for the last 4 hours so far for me. The last few days though have been horrible.

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Hope they can fix all issues regarding LBP.

It's way better now, but when i go create mode, there's still some freezes.