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Forums - General Discussion - The Halloween Apreciation Thread

Post Anything Halloween/ Scary/ Darkly sexy (Women In sexy Halloween outfits with Whips :P) . I would but im on PS3 Browser (No Copy Paste feature >_>)

P.S Happy birthday to Me ^^ EDIT:Damn Mis spelled the title >.<

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Awesome a hallowen thread,anyway am I the only one who is going to dress as a power ranger this hallowen?

ctk495 said:
Awesome a hallowen thread,anyway am I the only one who is going to dress as a power ranger this hallowen?

LOL Power Ranger xD. Marty McFly for Me ^^


Nice Ctk, No one else like Halloween

Around the Network

I like Halloween, since I get CHOCOLATE!!! and DONUTS!!


Chocolate I can understand, but Donuts for Halloween???? You Trick or Treating Police's Houses?

I am the biggest Halloween Fanboy , I am the only one in my house that is really Festive about this holiday.. I'm urging all my brothers and sisters to go trick or treating with me tomorrow and we watched scary movies a lot this month.  I also changed my avatar to a Jester Pichu as a costume for pichu.

Mischief night can rock too ^_^

I trick or treat at the local Dunkin Donuts, and they give out donuts for free!!


skeezer said:
I trick or treat at the local Dunkin Donuts, and they give out donuts for free!!

My favourite donuts the iced Ones, Jam donuts are sucky :P