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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How would you feel if.....

I have a Dreamcast too. Before going away, they had lots of great games available. So it wasn't that bad. I thought the GC had plenty of games. I don't go out and buy a hundred games for consoles anyways (except for the PS2).

If a console gets released and has only 20 games, half of which sucks, and then disappears. Then I would be pissed. I will be waiting for the PS3 software line to get better before making the purchase so I won't be $500 pissed.

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Hey the 64 and GC didn't sell phenomenally, sure, but they weren't the phenomenal failures the likes of the Virtual Boy, Saturn and Dreamcast.

I never particularly regretted having a 64 or a GC, but I'm sure it would have been nice if they'd competed better and gotten more top-end titles during their lifetimes. But you know what else would be nice? Being able to fly.

"Whenever you find a man who says he doesn't believe in a real Right and Wrong, you will find the same man going back on this a moment later."   -C.S. Lewis

"We all make choices... but in the end, our choices... make us."   -Andrew Ryan, Bioshock

Prediction: Wii passes 360 in US between July - September 2008. (Wii supply will be the issue to watch, and barring any freak incidents between now and then as well.) - 6/5/08; Wow, came true even earlier. Wii is a monster.

PlagueOfLocust said:
Hey the 64 and GC didn't sell phenomenally, sure, but they weren't the phenomenal failures the likes of the Virtual Boy, Saturn and Dreamcast.

True, very true.

WiteoutKing said:
I am the proud owner of a fully-functional Virtual Boy.

Only 14 games released outside of Japan, and I own 9 of them.

I bought one new from Toys R Us for $19.99 after it's demise.  I think they had 4 unique games left in clearance.  Sometimes failure is bennificial to the consumer .  Unfortunately I do not know what happened to mine.

To the OP, if other people don't like it, but you like it, who cares?  If you like the games on it and enjoy them, then who cares?  Otherwise don't buy something because you liked the commercials.  As previously stated, plenty of people are happy with their GameCubes and I had plenty of friends who were tapping away on their DreamCasts well into 2004.

 I guess if other people do not believe in the one true console, you can spread the good word of [insert console name here].  "Take heed men of lesser console faith, the one true console has rendered me a beautiful image, and it was good.  Console be praised, for if it weren't for your heavenly gameplay touch, my life would be less l33t."  If they still don't listen you can always wage a holy war.

Yuk04 said:
I had a game cube, a dreamcast, a sega saturn and a N64...

It feels odd at first, and sad.

But then you remember the whole point, you buy a console because it gives you something back, not because you are supposed to consume hardware, if you like a console for its games, it doens't matter if anyone else has it or not. Play it and enjoy it.

Coming to forums on internet is a bit dangerous, because seen all this wars about something that its a complete option in your leisure life.

i don't care if the whole gaming 'hardcore' community hates the Wii, or if people don't like Excite Truck, I like it, I play it, I enjoy it.

If another different company offers me something that I like and its affordable by my wallet, I'll get it.

So yeah, it feels weird when you don't see any support from anyone else but, who cares, play the damn games that you like :)

I totally understand your statement and I will use it for future decisions...i just had a feeling thats all..but I feel alot better to know that other people felt the same way I felt...I'm a owner of a Sega Saturn, Sega thanks for the advice

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noslodecoy said:
WiteoutKing said:
I am the proud owner of a fully-functional Virtual Boy.

Only 14 games released outside of Japan, and I own 9 of them.

I bought one new from Toys R Us for $19.99 after it's demise.  I think they had 4 unique games left in clearance.  Sometimes failure is bennificial to the consumer .  Unfortunately I do not know what happened to mine.

To the OP, if other people don't like it, but you like it, who cares?  If you like the games on it and enjoy them, then who cares?  Otherwise don't buy something because you liked the commercials.  As previously stated, plenty of people are happy with their GameCubes and I had plenty of friends who were tapping away on their DreamCasts well into 2004.

 I guess if other people do not believe in the one true console, you can spread the good word of [insert console name here].  "Take heed men of lesser console faith, the one true console has rendered me a beautiful image, and it was good.  Console be praised, for if it weren't for your heavenly gameplay touch, my life would be less l33t."  If they still don't listen you can always wage a holy war.

yeah...your speaking the word man I agree...just buy what i advice...just a depression period on game consoles...but better now!!

Legend11 said:
I think people get too caught up in sales. As long as the system has the games that you like then that should be all that matters. Besides you can always buy the other consoles over time.

All 3 current consoles have some really good exclusives coming and since it's so early in their lifecycle it's a given that no matter which one you pick you'll get your money's worth.

Yeah that was my problem...I get so caught up with the game sales and I just think I should buy what the sales say....but f*ck sales its not serious im buying what I want...thanks for the understanding and welcome back..

I wou8ldn't know to be honest. I had a Gamecube and Dreamcast but I loved them both. I usually am more for 1st party games.