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WiteoutKing said:
I am the proud owner of a fully-functional Virtual Boy.

Only 14 games released outside of Japan, and I own 9 of them.

I bought one new from Toys R Us for $19.99 after it's demise.  I think they had 4 unique games left in clearance.  Sometimes failure is bennificial to the consumer .  Unfortunately I do not know what happened to mine.

To the OP, if other people don't like it, but you like it, who cares?  If you like the games on it and enjoy them, then who cares?  Otherwise don't buy something because you liked the commercials.  As previously stated, plenty of people are happy with their GameCubes and I had plenty of friends who were tapping away on their DreamCasts well into 2004.

 I guess if other people do not believe in the one true console, you can spread the good word of [insert console name here].  "Take heed men of lesser console faith, the one true console has rendered me a beautiful image, and it was good.  Console be praised, for if it weren't for your heavenly gameplay touch, my life would be less l33t."  If they still don't listen you can always wage a holy war.