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Forums - Sony Discussion - Over 8 minutes of new Killzone 2 footage


a nice game

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wow looks amazing

those aren't ingame haha noobs rofl blarg

Looks great.


Hopefully that is an old build because even though it look great, I saw some things that should be fixed. Hopefully this is before the new AI code is in, because the AI was pretty bad. I mean, charging at a tank is rarely (if ever) a good idea. Around 1:12 in or so, I found it kinda funny how there is soo much detail when he is using the turret, that the magazine is not moving at all, the bullets are just there, shouldn't it be moving was my main thought.

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Sheeeeee's a Beaty

4 ≈ One

Not bad.

all I get is "page load error"

blackstar said:
all I get is "page load error"


Jason77 said:
blackstar said:
all I get is "page load error"



thanx dude