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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is Gran Turismo a big system selling franchise?

I know the first one got me to buy a Dualshock.

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Why people never cared about physics before was because people knew that they were getting the quintessential game where car companies would actually get upset because of the realism of what the crumple zones would look like.

It will actually be interesting to see how many people use damage, imagine damage enabled in an endurance race. :/ PD are perfectionists, they will make sure damage is perfect before it is released.

sh7272 said:
If GT5 will be realesed in 2010 it will be too late. Until then PS3 doesnt have any console sellers so thats going to be very hard.

Thats pretty foolish.

You dont know whats a console seller untill it hits the stores and starts selling.  Who the hell knows what will be the next Gears or whatever.

The only sure things are GT will move consoels ww, Final Fantasy will be very huge in Japan.

fastyxx said:
Yes. GT5 will move consoles, but I don't know if it will be to the extent we might think, even in Europe. There is way more quality competition in the racing genre than there used to be. And Prologue surely moved a few consoles to the hardcore GT fans already when that got released.

So yes....and no.

Yes, it will move consoles, but no it won't single handedly turn the tide.


Gran turismo always had great competition.


need for speed, forza, burn out paradise and it managed to outsell them, even the prologue version.

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GT is the god of system sellers.

It could be? It was a system seller for the PS2 that's for sure. Not so sure if the game will deliver the same results for the PS3 as the user base might not be as big as Polyphony might want it to be.

Generation 8 Predictions so far.....(as of 9/2013)

Console that will sell most: Nintendo Wii U

Who will sell more consoles between Microsoft/SONY: SONY


It is but I don't think it will make a huge impact over ps3 sales although I might be wrong.

Prologue sold 2 million, Not counting psn sales. When a glorified demo does +2 million it should tell you plenty.

Are some of you really that dense or just purposefully playing ignorant?

Squilliam said:
Reject said:
Forza 1 and 2 sales are good but pathetic compared to GT so I doubt sales for GT5 will be under 4M.

Forza 2 sales are 4 million.

Race Driver Grid sales are ~1 million on all platforms.

So Forza 3 sales could exceed 5 million so long as they do a good job.

Mario Kart will probably have sold 15 million by the time GT5 comes out.

Its all competition whether direct or indirect for GT5.


Forza 2 and GT5:P were both helped quite a bit with bundles. Forza 2 was bundled at the very crucial fall of 07 and stores finally starting selling out around May this year.

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