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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Report is up

Wow.. so in the last 6 months, they spent approx $180m (US) on R&D - and almost $600m (US) on marketing.

Holy smoking bat....

Can I have 0.1% of that marketing budget? Please??

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Griffin said:

I don't see any gamecube sales on their report, does anyone know if this is the first quarter where there are no sales of the system. Or did they have no sales during Q1 either.

EDIT: Wii forcast is 27.5mil for the year, was this raised from 25mil?


Just multiply by 2 and you get GC sales. Were you too lazy to do your own multiplication?

I was just skimming the PDF and it looks like Nintendo has gained 400 employees since last year, and upped marketing spending 130mil for the first 6 months against last years number. Nintendo also spends 100mil a month on marketing, i wonder what the others spend on marketing for their games division.

Galaki said:
Griffin said:

I don't see any gamecube sales on their report, does anyone know if this is the first quarter where there are no sales of the system. Or did they have no sales during Q1 either.

EDIT: Wii forcast is 27.5mil for the year, was this raised from 25mil?


Just multiply by 2 and you get GC sales. Were you too lazy to do your own multiplication?

What are you talking about?


What's funny is that people on the Sony board were questioning the difference between shipped and sales. I doubt there will be such whining here even though there is a 1.5m difference for the Wii. That's just gives you an idea how many units can be absorbed into the system even when you have supply problems.

Around the Network
FishyJoe said:
What's funny is that people on the Sony board were questioning the difference between shipped and sales. I doubt there will be such whining here even though there is a 1.2m difference for the Wii. That's just gives you an idea how many units can be absorbed into the system even when you have supply problems.

Wii sales to oct4 are 33mil, 34.55, which put numbers above 1.2mil.  The wii also has no problems with stock in most of the world, only certain parts of NA where demographics favour the wii still sell out before the next shipments arrive.

EDIT:  thesource also said the older systems have 10% of their sales at retail, if i read what he posted right.  So this would imply we are overtracking the ds(around 2.7mil at retail) or undertracking the PSP which has around 4+mil  systems at retail based off what i remember from the locked thread the other day. 

But whatever, i'm no numbers expert, and i'm sure if numbers need to be adjusted they will be for whatever systems.  And sold to retail numbers are all that matter anyways, since all the systems will become sold to consumer at one point.

Holy F, another 2.5 million Wii's added to the forecast (although this was already reported in August). This is insane. We're now looking at 52 million Wii's end of March.

Holiday will be crazy.

Whats the Wii at the moment? 34.4 Million. So in 5 months they expect to sell 17.6 million consoles. Too much? I dont know but if they do it there will be some huge numbers in nov and dec.



Imthelegend said:
Whats the Wii at the moment? 34.4 Million. So in 5 months they expect to sell 17.6 million consoles. Too much? I dont know but if they do it there will be some huge numbers in nov and dec.


Keep in mind, Nintendo is always very conservative with their estimates....if they say they'll make it, they'll make it. Afterall, supply permitting, Nintendo could potentially outpace the PS3 and 360 combined this holiday, as it appears they might be planning to do, looking at these numbers.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
Imthelegend said:
Whats the Wii at the moment? 34.4 Million. So in 5 months they expect to sell 17.6 million consoles. Too much? I dont know but if they do it there will be some huge numbers in nov and dec.


Keep in mind, Nintendo is always very conservative with their estimates....if they say they'll make it, they'll make it. Afterall, supply permitting, Nintendo could potentially outpace the PS3 and 360 combined this holiday, as it appears they might be planning to do, looking at these numbers.

But if they do meet the goals for the systems sold, you really need to wonder if Nintendo can up production enough to get wiifit into their customer hands. As it stands now they are having a hard time.  I would hate to see 6mil wii owners upset during the holidays if they can't get wiifit or some other popular wii game.