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Forums - Sony Discussion - Little Big planet Hardest communtiy lvl post them here

Sorry cant record my lvl but you can if you want to help and show that LBP is not plain easy ps the story mode is also challenging to ace

Imo opinion I played all but I still think its mine because all the others are just too simple and not even half done. Relax im kidding the lvl is called Sackboy Trickster By ForsakenVelocity (I know its corney and ps its from the beta so it dont have that much items like the one you see now)

Every-time when someone begins to play my lvl they just leave I have not seen no one beat the lvl only myself.

So if you can beat it, post it here or record it if you want, because all the ppl I known can not beat it

And It would help so much if you can Heart my Lvl= Sackboy Trickster and the author ForsakenVelocity ps the rewards are 2 items that were created by the ppl in the beta which i liked Which are Metal gear rex the acutal Item and the 360. Limted rewards for this lvl but its worth it hope you all enjoy this challenging lvl xD

So any other hard lvl please post it here no some simples on like the mgs or gow one. some challenging ones >

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Im an idiot, I should have gotten LBP, how did you end up getting both farcry 2 and LBP?



I dont have far cry 2 leo 0.0 and there an update for lbp bump!



All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey


Best buy doesnt accept returns..


I thought I saw you playing it


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im going to get r2 man ^_^

Yea so am I, and over LBP,



so anyone who has LBP know a hard lvl in the LBP community I would like to play them also xD
Dont forget to heart is what you will hear in LBP xD

I will, I'm not sure about mine but i was only one to beat it, it is a race. It's called Little big hero. It is short though.

I'm gonna play your level now.