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Expect 20-25 folks to come and point out the flaws in your logic Killergran, that's how these threads always turn out.

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Mummelmann said:
Expect 20-25 folks to come and point out the flaws in your logic Killergran, that's how these threads always turn out.


There's no logic here, only numbers.

What flaw are you talking about, more specifically?


EDIT: Or did I misread you? Was that just a warning?

This is invisible text!

I don't see the flaw, it makes sense to me, but not everyone may and will share that opinion.

Market share means little if third partys are unwilling to come on board.

That is my opinion anyway.





I think the Wii will get 50% marketshare by April. Want to know why?

Nintendo forecasts shipping 51m Wiis by March. I think Nintendo plans on beating that forecast (to please shareholders or whoever). So let's say that by mid-April, there are 52 million Wiis sold. That figure doesn't match the shipped, but I am assuming Nintendo met forecasts.

I would have to assume the 360 will be at 30m while the PS3 will be at 22m. Fair enough?

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

Around the Network
SaviorX said:
I think the Wii will get 50% marketshare by April. Want to know why?

Nintendo forecasts shipping 51m Wiis by March. I think Nintendo plans on beating that forecast (to please shareholders or whoever). So let's say that by mid-April, there are 52 million Wiis sold. That figure doesn't match the shipped, but I am assuming Nintendo met forecasts.

I would have to assume the 360 will be at 30m while the PS3 will be at 22m. Fair enough?

Fair enough.

That's not all that far off from what the current numbers are pointing at. As I've said before, I'm really not doing predictions here, only showing the numbers and trying to figure out what they mean. And sometime in the first half of next year is what the numbers are currently pointing at.

Fair enough?

This is invisible text!

Killergran said:
SaviorX said:
I think the Wii will get 50% marketshare by April. Want to know why?

Nintendo forecasts shipping 51m Wiis by March. I think Nintendo plans on beating that forecast (to please shareholders or whoever). So let's say that by mid-April, there are 52 million Wiis sold. That figure doesn't match the shipped, but I am assuming Nintendo met forecasts.

I would have to assume the 360 will be at 30m while the PS3 will be at 22m. Fair enough?

Fair enough.

That's not all that far off from what the current numbers are pointing at. As I've said before, I'm really not doing predictions here, only showing the numbers and trying to figure out what they mean. And sometime in the first half of next year is what the numbers are currently pointing at.

Fair enough?

Fair enough.


Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

I predict the day the wii Hits 50% market share their will be 10+ Threads about it within Minutes of the numbers hitting the front page. A glorious day indeed !

Nice thread. Keep up the good work.

Oyvoyvoyv said:

My estimate for end of the year market share (weekly sales are here:

Wii: 45.52M - 48.5%

Ps3: 21.67M - 23.1%

X360: 26.64M - 28.3%


The gap will then be 2.79M


I see the Wii selling 2M-2.2M/month in Q1 next year, which is ~ 484K weekly. I see the HD consoles dipping as most consoles would, down to ~ 180K for Ps3 and 150K for X360. 330K total.


So I see it taking 18 weeks or so (into 2009) for Wii to achieve 50% market share, and it happening roughly at the start of May.


Note: This is not a purely statistical post, and it has a few personal estimates that are not totally proof backed. No cakes were hurt during the making of this Barack Obama ad.

Whoa! This is less than a month ago. Shocking really.

So, what I believe now.


Wii: 45-46M - 49.1-49.7%

Ps3: 20M - 21.8-22%

X360: 26.5M - 29-29.2%


So reaching 50% looks A LOT better now than it did 1 month ago (it looks like it will reach it in less than 2/3 the time I expected).


That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS