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Oyvoyvoyv said:

My estimate for end of the year market share (weekly sales are here:

Wii: 45.52M - 48.5%

Ps3: 21.67M - 23.1%

X360: 26.64M - 28.3%


The gap will then be 2.79M


I see the Wii selling 2M-2.2M/month in Q1 next year, which is ~ 484K weekly. I see the HD consoles dipping as most consoles would, down to ~ 180K for Ps3 and 150K for X360. 330K total.


So I see it taking 18 weeks or so (into 2009) for Wii to achieve 50% market share, and it happening roughly at the start of May.


Note: This is not a purely statistical post, and it has a few personal estimates that are not totally proof backed. No cakes were hurt during the making of this Barack Obama ad.

Whoa! This is less than a month ago. Shocking really.

So, what I believe now.


Wii: 45-46M - 49.1-49.7%

Ps3: 20M - 21.8-22%

X360: 26.5M - 29-29.2%


So reaching 50% looks A LOT better now than it did 1 month ago (it looks like it will reach it in less than 2/3 the time I expected).


That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS