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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What are the chances of Wii 2 using Blu-Ray? Educate me.

Nintendo will, once again, develop a proprietary format similar to competitor's but not as easily accessible so that it won't be hacked. It will also be worse than blu-ray but better than HD-DVD.

I'm not a fanboy, I just don't enjoy dual analog control.  It's d-pad or wii-mote for me.

the conduit has changed the way wii play games.

I know.  I'm sick of the puns too.

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kevin the wiiite said:
Nintendo will, once again, develop a proprietary format similar to competitor's but not as easily accessible so that it won't be hacked. It will also be worse than blu-ray but better than HD-DVD.


The Wii was hacked shortly after release.


Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

ameratsu said:
kevin the wiiite said:
Nintendo will, once again, develop a proprietary format similar to competitor's but not as easily accessible so that it won't be hacked. It will also be worse than blu-ray but better than HD-DVD.


The Wii was hacked shortly after release.


I think hes talking about its discs not the Wii itself.


0% maybe the Wii 3 or something, but not Wii 2

Valkyria00 said:
ameratsu said:
kevin the wiiite said:
Nintendo will, once again, develop a proprietary format similar to competitor's but not as easily accessible so that it won't be hacked. It will also be worse than blu-ray but better than HD-DVD.


The Wii was hacked shortly after release.


I think hes talking about its discs not the Wii itself.



Well, clearly the format is not that secure because wii games can be ripped off nintendo's discs using a regular dvd drive, and the wii itself can be modded and will read regular dvd discs.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

Around the Network
ameratsu said:
Valkyria00 said:
ameratsu said:
kevin the wiiite said:
Nintendo will, once again, develop a proprietary format similar to competitor's but not as easily accessible so that it won't be hacked. It will also be worse than blu-ray but better than HD-DVD.


The Wii was hacked shortly after release.


I think hes talking about its discs not the Wii itself.



Well, clearly the format is not that secure because wii games can be ripped off nintendo's discs using a regular dvd drive, and the wii itself can be modded and will read regular dvd discs.

No format is ever secure. Nintendo just makes it that much harder for pirates......I think.


Valkyria00 said:

By then HD technology will be cheap. I honestly dont know how much more the graphics can advance because "true" humans in video games is still ways off.

Wii 2 will be HD nobody should doubt that.
However I dont know if it'll max out at 720p or actually reach 1080p. Will Wii 2 use 360-like discs?

What are your thoughts.

Great Post! I have been thinking the same thing for a while. Will Nintendo use Blu-Ray disc on the Wii 2? I hope so, or something bigger. But, yeah Nintendo will probably have their own format Blu-Ray disc.

No chance. Nintendo recently co-wrote a patent with InPhase with regards to their Holographic optical media and mass storage solutions. They also plan to invest heavily in their R&D.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

There are several reasons why Nintendo has chosen proprietary formats rather than using established standards with their systems.

The Gamecube’s optical disc format was a constant angular velocity disc which greatly reduced seek-times and therefore reduced loading times ... A friend of mine ended up modding his Gamecube late in the generation and there were noticeably worse load times because he used standard 8cm DVDs.

With the Wii piracy occured so quickly because Nintendo made a similar mistake as Microsoft made with the XBox 360. They both assumed that the system would be secure if they just ensured that the game had to be digitally signed and run off of a standard game disc; unfortunately, it isn't (that) hard to get an optical disc drive to report to the system that a DVD-R is an official game disc, although the Wii was a little more secure in that it needed a mod-chip to do this. Now (unless there is a massive improvement in networking technology) moving up to a multi-layered blue-lazer based optical disc format will effectively make the security on the Wii and the XBox 360 effective enough to limit piracy ... few people really have enough bandwith to be able to download 50GB or more for a single game.


One thing I don't see happening in the next generation is a return to a memory based format even though I would like that to happen. I think that next generation consoles will continue to use optical discs for their big-budget fully priced games but there will also be a dramatic increase in the quantity and quality of digitally distributed games ... I wouldn't be that surprised to see Nintendo follow the path of the iQue and produce a memory card (of some sort) that players could plug into a vending machine at a local store and download a game if they did not have (good) access to the internet.

Fernando said:
I really want the next Wii to use high capacity memory cards. Maybe in 4 more years a 50GB card would be cheap enough.

So, no loading times and less moving parts on the console =p


That would be immensely cool, yes

I think a proprietary format borders on the inevitable. They've never used anything but proprietary formats. Why change now?