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Forums - Sony Discussion - Worldwide PS3 sales beat XBOX 360 in Q2

Pretty good sales...

It'll be interesting where PS3 ends up after this holiday season -- it should be getting pretty close to lifetime gamecube sales and lifetime Xbox sales... (which were around 22 and 24 million i think )

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Are shipped numbers worth bragging/arguing about?

Krill said:
Are shipped numbers worth bragging/arguing about?


That is what I'm trying to understand ...


The title of the thread feels a bit C/P from an enthousiast fanboy.


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

Some good 360 damage control so far, keep it up.

Grats to the PS3.

Apparently nobody wants to help me understand. The article of Joystick is a bit short of explanations...

They also talk about Q2 but that is more Q3 to me... nevermind..


Go SONY YEAAA ... I don't know what I'm talking about ...


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

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Actually, I believe that some stores (perhaps most) don't have to pay Sony until they themselves have sold the unit. Not only that, but more hardware sold = greater installed base = more games sold = more games made = more hardware sold.

Sony very much care about sell through.

Great news for Sony.
Something they seem to need these days.
Keep it up.

Daffy said:

"Good thing that Sony is more concerned with Shipment numbers than sell-through, seeing as that they don't get paid for every PS3 sold, but every PS3 shipped."

Well in fact it isn't good thing. If you ship more consoles than retail dealer can sell-through, then you risk that all shipments will be canned and there will be huge discounts of you product when retail dealer warehouses are full. If you don't crush the price below all production costs or put total stop to production you have very VERY bad problem in your hands.

Motorola did have same situation when they did try to compete with Nokia in low cost mobile phone models and filled retail dealer warehouses faster than dealers could sell-through. that bad jugment make Motorola drop from second biggest mobile phone manufacturer to third...fourth...fifth...somewhere below all other phone manufacturers and they are still dropping. So NOT GOOD!!!!

It's the same with MS and Nintendo. All they care about it shipping to retailers.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

outlawauron said:
Daffy said:

"Good thing that Sony is more concerned with Shipment numbers than sell-through, seeing as that they don't get paid for every PS3 sold, but every PS3 shipped."

Well in fact it isn't good thing. If you ship more consoles than retail dealer can sell-through, then you risk that all shipments will be canned and there will be huge discounts of you product when retail dealer warehouses are full. If you don't crush the price below all production costs or put total stop to production you have very VERY bad problem in your hands.

Motorola did have same situation when they did try to compete with Nokia in low cost mobile phone models and filled retail dealer warehouses faster than dealers could sell-through. that bad jugment make Motorola drop from second biggest mobile phone manufacturer to third...fourth...fifth...somewhere below all other phone manufacturers and they are still dropping. So NOT GOOD!!!!

It's the same with MS and Nintendo. All they care about it shipping to retailers.

Thank you. 

Seems that sense is a rare commodity around here.

outlawauron said:
Daffy said:

"Good thing that Sony is more concerned with Shipment numbers than sell-through, seeing as that they don't get paid for every PS3 sold, but every PS3 shipped."

Well in fact it isn't good thing. If you ship more consoles than retail dealer can sell-through, then you risk that all shipments will be canned and there will be huge discounts of you product when retail dealer warehouses are full. If you don't crush the price below all production costs or put total stop to production you have very VERY bad problem in your hands.

Motorola did have same situation when they did try to compete with Nokia in low cost mobile phone models and filled retail dealer warehouses faster than dealers could sell-through. that bad jugment make Motorola drop from second biggest mobile phone manufacturer to third...fourth...fifth...somewhere below all other phone manufacturers and they are still dropping. So NOT GOOD!!!!

It's the same with MS and Nintendo. All they care about it shipping to retailers.

all they care about is making money...


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