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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Arc Rise fantsia details

- Classic Controller, Gamecube controller, Nunchuck/Wiimote controller options
- Not a lot of swinging motions
- 40 hours to beat the main quest, 10-20 more hours for sidequests and “additional parts”
- Not related to Luminous Arc
- Marvelous doesn’t think the game will sell well but are still thinking about expanding the game into second and third sequels


60 hour play time and limited 'waggle'. sounds pretty damm good to me

judging by how current gen consoles are doing  i can see why they dont expect  this to sell well. but for their sake i really hope it does to rewar them for their massive wii support.  wii needs a strong RPG exclusive series.


how much would you expect this game to sell in japan?




 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


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Source please.

Pixel Art can be fun.

They just outright said they have low expectations of the game?

Is that normal? A source would be nice, of course. The GC controller option is interesting.

60 hours oif play time + 20 more hours because its me sound about right for a good long RPG.

"To love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for as long you shall be resurrected from death in the church"

40 hrs of main quest? Pretty good in my opinion

Around the Network

Wath kind of game is this?


Is a JRPG called Arc Rise Fantasia from Marvelous

SmokedHostage said:
Source please.

Yes, I want check this game from near!

Thx Manuelf.


You can see the trailer here

Why do they think the game won't sell well? The game looks really great, with some good advertising, positive reviews and the lack of jrpg's it can sell about 200k.