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Forums - General Discussion - LA Times Hiding Incriminating Video of Obama with Radical Palestinian?

Well there have bee fairly credible reports that Obama is fairly pro Palestine and he just dones't talk about it because he thinks it's political suicide.

That said, i think he'd back Israel if they were attacked by another country, and outside that it doesn't matter much. Just means he won't get a deal in the middle east done.

Which nobody ever seems to do as they wait till like the last couple years of there presidency as if they were pulling an all night carm session, even though that kind of thing needs to get done BEFORE then since one side or the other is going to see the next preisdent as more beneficial to them.

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akuma587 said:
In other news, we are in a recession and the US arguably has the worst reputation its ever had since the country was founded.

I'm surprised that your comment has nothing to do with the topic.

I would have guessed that you would like to see what's on the tape.

I thought I knew you man!

btw, if one is so concerned about their popularity, one cannot make a clear decisions.  Just ask Britney.


I thought this was bigger news but I guessed wrong.
we shall see what L.A. Times do with this.

Coca-Cola said:

I thought he was desperate when he chose Palin.


How should I read that?

Galaki said:
Coca-Cola said:

I thought he was desperate when he chose Palin.


How should I read that?

No humor there.  Just that I believed that McCain chose Palin to lure in the conservatives.

McCain was not a hero to the conservative crowd.


Around the Network
Kasz216 said:
Well there have bee fairly credible reports that Obama is fairly pro Palestine and he just dones't talk about it because he thinks it's political suicide.

That said, i think he'd back Israel if they were attacked by another country, and outside that it doesn't matter much. Just means he won't get a deal in the middle east done.

Which nobody ever seems to do as they wait till like the last couple years of there presidency as if they were pulling an all night carm session, even though that kind of thing needs to get done BEFORE then since one side or the other is going to see the next preisdent as more beneficial to them.

To be honest the only deal that can be done is a sovereign state of Palestine with an East Jerusalem capital, no Israeli roadblocks and at least partial dismantlement of their settlements. No other deal can really happen.


OMG, I just realized I could never run for public office because my personal mentors include: Tulane Scholar Dr. Paolo Spadoni, an italian borne UF grad who is a Cuba scholar who thinks we should open up relations with them, Dr. Stephen Day, who is a proponent of Palestinian human rights and studied in (duh, duh, duuuuhhhhhh) Lebenon, Dr. Robert Moore, a radical (I don't think he'd like me calling him a radical) youth culture Anthropologist, Bob Renauer, a socio-economist with some unpopular ideas about feminism in emerging economies.

They believe something, so I must agree since I study with or under them.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Oh, and I hear there's picture of me floating around on the internet with my arm around Kim Jong Il.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

well Nixon met Brezhnev during the cold war in 1974, and Nixon wasn't labled a communist because of it...
So what if Obama prefers diplomacy by talking to the other side instead of blowing the crap out of them

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

steven787 said:
Oh, and I hear there's picture of me floating around on the internet with my arm around Kim Jong Il.

I disagree.  you'll win for sure.