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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Miyamoto reactions to bad Reviews on Wii Music

Naum said:
he isn't saying that Wii music is a hardcore game.

atleast try and acutally read what he is saying..


 That said, Miyamoto believes that Wii Music will prove as time-intensive as any other offering. "I think you'll find people who are as hardcore playing Wii Music as any other game," he said. "I have found that, as a single player, you can spend over three hours arranging a single song. Since there's 50 songs, simple math tells you that you can spend 150 hours playing it--and that's just by yourself. I am actually getting concerned about how much I'm playing it!"

He says right there that hardcore gamers will be playing it as much as any other game dose that not mean he thinks its hardcore?

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

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Gamerace said:
Garcian Smith said:

Genius is never appreciated in its time.


Miyamoto has created something so grand in vision and unique in application that many will not recgonize it for what it is.  Like most great art, or great thoughts it will not be received well by the masses in it's time but will be immortalized later on for it's genius.

In two years from now Matt will admit he was a douche cause he hated Wii Music because he couldn't understand it.


No, he won't. Almost no one will immortalize the game. How exactly do all these people "know" Matt doesn't understand Wii Music? Oh yeah, he's a hardcore gamer so obviously he won't understand something truly genius. What makes it genius anyways? Because Miyamoto made it? Because you say so? Opinions are either agreed upon or completely ignored, and after playing the game I'm going to ignore it from now on. I understand why this game was made and who it was made for. Miyamoto's intentions were good, but his tastes are different than mine. So in my opinion, a work of genius it is not.

Aw dang

I rarely get just flat-out ignored anymore

This is like a whole new experience

perpride said:
BrainBoxLtd said:
perpride said:
radha said:
c0rd said:
Kyros said:
That person simply didn’t like what we presented in “Wii Music.”

You could say the same things about Ninjabread Man. Perhaps the game is simply bad? Or the concept is stupid? I mean I wouldn't expect the developer to acknowledge it anyway.

Now, how many copies did Ninjabread Man sell?

Reviewers don't determine what is good or bad, the majority does. Matt from IGN is just one guy out of the (possibly) millions that will try this game.



What does that means?? that the earth is really flat? that gallio was wrong? that britney is better that bethoven????

you really think that quality is democratic????? and that really is affected by the opinion of the masses???? what do you mean  with that statement?


The number of copies the game sells are only important if you are Nintendo. It mean nothing of its quality. You're argument can be turned to say "if Ninjabread man sold 10 million copies it would be a good game".

First, the whole Galileo and Copernicus argument would be about perspective vs. reality. When it comes to entertainment and the arts, quality is very much subjective. There are things that can be quantified and measured within either one, but what entertains or moves someone is typically, personal and different for every person.

Second, Cord said the majority decides quality, not sales. Beethoven died over 180 years ago, and his music is still played and recognized worldwide to this day. (A small piece of which is IN Wii Music) Do you really think the same will be true of Britney Spears music? If there is a mandate from the people that determines quality, it should be looked at in the context of when and why it came to be, and how long it actually lasts.

And lastly, by majority I think cord simply means the masses decides what will stand the test of time, not the incredibly few elite who believe their choices for art and entertainment are the right ones.

1 - If you want to speak about the subjectivity of art, then again, any piece of shit game can be called the best game of all time. I agree with you that art (music, games, whatever) is extremely down to the individual; but does this mean that we should have no way of actually measuring whether a game is good or not? Sales cannot be what you base your decision on. Wii Music will likely go on to sell more units than Gears of War, MGS4, Uncharted, Lost Oddyssey, Mass name it! This does not mean it is a beter game.

2 - Agreed, but we are talking about video art that is not even a century old yet. Wii Music will sell insane amounts simply because of the context in which it is being released. Like I said, add the name "Wii" to any game and it will sell millions. "WiiNinjabread" would have been a million seller had it not been a crappy port of a PS2 game. Wii music will not last this "test of time" we are talking about. You think we will look back at it in ten years and remember it as a classic? Screw ten years from now, my eyes tear up from sadness when I look at this game today! So much wasted potential! If you want to examine video games as an art form, what the "masses" support should have absolutley no bearing on how good a game actually is.

3 - How, in any way, could you call the people that are reviewing this game elite?

I own a Wii, and I know there is absolutley no fucking way in hell I will ever buy this title. There are so many other places Nintendo could have been focusing their time instead of developing this. They really know how to stick it to their loyal fans.

But it definitely/easily is a better game! And I own/finish them all. I say easily because you choose such poor games... couldn't you choose any better? :S




Khuutra said:
Aw dang

I rarely get just flat-out ignored anymore

This is like a whole new experience

I will not let it happen, attention whore!

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I just want to let you guys know that his reference to "matt" being a "correct assumption" does not mean anything. He knew it was matt and he had people look that up for him because he was doing an interview, just as he knew about the IGN review, these things are scripted, but normally, because of the "gaming" context, we believe they aren't.

No difference between him and any other politician trying to get you do support them. His "instintual" knowledge of this editor seems to make one think that it was because of the editor being a "core gamer". "Impressive!"

In psychology, whenever you just "guess" and it turns out to be true, there is an effect that almost makes anything else you say seem true to other people.
In this case it also makes the argument that miyamoto knows an assload of reviewers, showing that he is an "in-group" member with all us gamers. Proven in psychology to also be one of the tipping scales of whether we let someone influence us or not.

I have nothing against Miyamoto. I am just trying to get you to see that this was indeed all spoon fed sensationalism. The perma-grin, flawless attire, self-presentation, calmness, "in group" status. These are all marketable qualities.

To summize, Miyamoto is a great guy with a lot of ideas. But he is also a spokesman, and will get on the stage and "sell" this game to his hearts content because for all intensive purposes, this game probably cost 10k to make and all profits probably go directly into miyamoto's pocket.

EDIT: to answer the "he doesn't care about money" BS that you can't prove, imagine a game selling 10 million copies. Imagine that this game costs 35-40 dollars. Imagine that the overhead was gifted. If what I said was true, and I believe it is because this is his project, noone elses, he could stand to make, by himself close to half a billion. Maybe he doesn't care about money. However, money talks, and this could be for anything, buying a company or two, R&D for future games etc etc....  

Everstar said:
Naum said:
he isn't saying that Wii music is a hardcore game.

atleast try and acutally read what he is saying..


 That said, Miyamoto believes that Wii Music will prove as time-intensive as any other offering. "I think you'll find people who are as hardcore playing Wii Music as any other game," he said. "I have found that, as a single player, you can spend over three hours arranging a single song. Since there's 50 songs, simple math tells you that you can spend 150 hours playing it--and that's just by yourself. I am actually getting concerned about how much I'm playing it!"

He says right there that hardcore gamers will be playing it as much as any other game dose that not mean he thinks its hardcore?

He is saying that it can be played in a hardcore way. He doesn't say who is playing it that way he just says it can be played that way.


I wonder if the anger and bitterness around this game will ever go away, or if it will ever get boring. You guys are a riot.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

Khuutra said:
@BrainBoxLtd: I hate to say it, but you're wrong. It's the academia and the intellectual elite who hold the final power in resurrecting old works and making them effectively immortal. Yeah, popularity can do that too, but htings which are popular also tend to be forgotten unless they transcend the bounds of normal popularity.

EDIT: Wrong Quote Box Before =P

I believe I made that exact same point in my original post suggesting despite Britney Spears popularity and sales, she'll be long forgotten in the same period of time in which Beethoven was still remembered and celebrated. (If that was unclear, I apologize.)

I also specifically said any such mandate of quality from the masses must be looked at in context of why, when, and how long it actually lasts.

Now I well concede the critics and scholars can serve a valiant purpose of preserving and presenting works for the people, to the people, when something isn't readily available for them to judge. And even as much as a I despise gaming media, and dislike IGN, I'm personally glad they brought attention to Zack and Wiki as I'm not sure if I ever would of even heard of it otherwise. I didn't care for their over-zealous "BUY IT" nonsense, but I was good for me they brought it to my attention.

But if I believed there is something that determines any type of quality in a measurable form specifically in what moves us or entertains us, (I don’t actually) I believe it comes from the people at large. I don’t think Michelangelo's David is considered a work of art because the elite says it is, but the unknowledgeable people who feel it is when they see it in person themselves. To see such as enormous figure made with incredible detail was truly breath taking for me, despite knowing so very little about it. Being able to touch those that don’t already indulge themselves in your craft, speaks more to me then impressing the elite who obsess over it.

Still, I said I don’t actually believe there is a measure quality for these things except for in each individual. And that the things that are remembered through out history are often the ones embraced people themselves for generations, and again, it’s important to note the context of why and when. I hate the gaming media because they such a poor job of that. Using terms like “must-buy” and “AAA”, trying to lead us into buying simply what they like, and not helping us to understand why we would (or wouldn’t) want to try something.

@everstar - Miyamoto, in that context, uses the term hardcore to describe someone's actual playing style, not the player or the game. And he's simply making the arguement that people can lose themselves and several hours just as much in Wii Music as any other game. Just like people who play The Sims in a "hardcore" fashion to create entire elbaroate neighthoods populated by multiple families of thier own creation, or someone plays an RPG in a "hardcore" way to perfect every detail, stat, and item of their own character. It's not the game or player described as hardcore, just how it can be played.


famousringo said:
I wonder if the anger and bitterness around this game will ever go away, or if it will ever get boring. You guys are a riot.

qft ..these threads are always good for a laugh