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I just want to let you guys know that his reference to "matt" being a "correct assumption" does not mean anything. He knew it was matt and he had people look that up for him because he was doing an interview, just as he knew about the IGN review, these things are scripted, but normally, because of the "gaming" context, we believe they aren't.

No difference between him and any other politician trying to get you do support them. His "instintual" knowledge of this editor seems to make one think that it was because of the editor being a "core gamer". "Impressive!"

In psychology, whenever you just "guess" and it turns out to be true, there is an effect that almost makes anything else you say seem true to other people.
In this case it also makes the argument that miyamoto knows an assload of reviewers, showing that he is an "in-group" member with all us gamers. Proven in psychology to also be one of the tipping scales of whether we let someone influence us or not.

I have nothing against Miyamoto. I am just trying to get you to see that this was indeed all spoon fed sensationalism. The perma-grin, flawless attire, self-presentation, calmness, "in group" status. These are all marketable qualities.

To summize, Miyamoto is a great guy with a lot of ideas. But he is also a spokesman, and will get on the stage and "sell" this game to his hearts content because for all intensive purposes, this game probably cost 10k to make and all profits probably go directly into miyamoto's pocket.

EDIT: to answer the "he doesn't care about money" BS that you can't prove, imagine a game selling 10 million copies. Imagine that this game costs 35-40 dollars. Imagine that the overhead was gifted. If what I said was true, and I believe it is because this is his project, noone elses, he could stand to make, by himself close to half a billion. Maybe he doesn't care about money. However, money talks, and this could be for anything, buying a company or two, R&D for future games etc etc....