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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Miyamoto reactions to bad Reviews on Wii Music

Kyros said:
That person simply didn’t like what we presented in “Wii Music.”

You could say the same things about Ninjabread Man. Perhaps the game is simply bad? Or the concept is stupid? I mean I wouldn't expect the developer to acknowledge it anyway.

Now, how many copies did Ninjabread Man sell?

Reviewers don't determine what is good or bad, the majority does. Matt from IGN is just one guy out of the (possibly) millions that will try this game.


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--OkeyDokey-- said:
frybread said:
Miyamoto is probably past the point of caring about money.

Why does he work then? To see the smiles on the childrens faces? :P

Uh, yeah.

And from Entertainment Weekly last year.

"With rising budgets, I understand why game companies have a great deal of concern if they don't design games in this way. But you need to create what you want to create! In that sense, I would really like to see people develop games like I do. When I show a game to people I don't ask their opinion or give them a survey. I just watch their eyes and their face while they play. Do they smile? Do they look frustrated? So I guess I do test my games — but it isn't very scientific."

And from CNET this monday.

"Q: How important is the success of Wii Music to Nintendo's business, given the current global economic collapse?

Miyamoto: Our mission is to put smiles on people's faces with our games. I feel very strongly that Wii Music does that, which is important in times like this. From a business perspective, it's been shown historically that entertainment industries aren't as adversely affected by rough economic times as other industries. On top of that, I hope Wii is in a strong position, because we've really positioned it as a device for the entire family. And when you compare the value you get out of Wii to other entertainment options, I would argue that Wii Music is an exceptional value for families' entertainment dollars."

Not sure why I'm wasting my time, you and others will just ignore this and probably use the last line in the paragraph I posted above to fuel the flames of hate.

He should give it a second thought; maybe the game is actually as bad as most reviewers are saying it is.

people, what matter is that it will sell millions, that's it.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

It could be a bad game but still a good experience and fun to play.

"You can never jump away from Conclusions. Getting back is not so easy. That's why we're so terribly crowded here."

Canby - The Phantom Tollbooth

Around the Network
c0rd said:
Kyros said:
That person simply didn’t like what we presented in “Wii Music.”

You could say the same things about Ninjabread Man. Perhaps the game is simply bad? Or the concept is stupid? I mean I wouldn't expect the developer to acknowledge it anyway.

Now, how many copies did Ninjabread Man sell?

Reviewers don't determine what is good or bad, the majority does. Matt from IGN is just one guy out of the (possibly) millions that will try this game.



What does that means?? that the earth is really flat? that galileo was wrong? that britney is better that bethoven????

you really think that quality is democratic????? and that really is affected by the opinion of the masses???? what do you mean  with that statement?

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

radha said:
c0rd said:
Kyros said:
That person simply didn’t like what we presented in “Wii Music.”

You could say the same things about Ninjabread Man. Perhaps the game is simply bad? Or the concept is stupid? I mean I wouldn't expect the developer to acknowledge it anyway.

Now, how many copies did Ninjabread Man sell?

Reviewers don't determine what is good or bad, the majority does. Matt from IGN is just one guy out of the (possibly) millions that will try this game.



What does that means?? that the earth is really flat? that gallio was wrong? that britney is better that bethoven????

you really think that quality is democratic????? and that really is affected by the opinion of the masses???? what do you mean  with that statement?


The number of copies the game sells are only important if you are Nintendo. It mean nothing of its quality. You're argument can be turned to say "if Ninjabread man sold 10 million copies it would be a good game".


perpride said:

The number of copies the game sells are only important if you are Nintendo. It mean nothing of its quality. You're argument can be turned to say "if Ninjabread man sold 10 million copies it would be a good game".


If it sold 10 million it would be pretty hard to argue against it being good, though.  The number of copies sold is much easier to measure with accuracy than a reviewer's opinion.


the2bears - the indie shmup blog
the2bears said:
perpride said:

The number of copies the game sells are only important if you are Nintendo. It mean nothing of its quality. You're argument can be turned to say "if Ninjabread man sold 10 million copies it would be a good game".


If it sold 10 million it would be pretty hard to argue against it being good, though.  The number of copies sold is much easier to measure with accuracy than a reviewer's opinion.



I disagree. Slap the name "Wii", "Mario", "Final Fantasy", "Grand Theft Auto", etc., on on any piece of shit game and it is guaranteed to be a million seller. This does not make it a good game. If I was simply shoving one review in your face, your argument would be fair. But the game has an average of 61% from 17 reviewers. Not all of these reviewers have something against the Wii.

The only reason Wii music will get killer sales is because it has the "Wii" tag on it, nothing more. It could be ten times worse than the shitty game that it already is, and it would still be a millilon seller.

perpride said:
radha said:
c0rd said:
Kyros said:
That person simply didn’t like what we presented in “Wii Music.”

You could say the same things about Ninjabread Man. Perhaps the game is simply bad? Or the concept is stupid? I mean I wouldn't expect the developer to acknowledge it anyway.

Now, how many copies did Ninjabread Man sell?

Reviewers don't determine what is good or bad, the majority does. Matt from IGN is just one guy out of the (possibly) millions that will try this game.



What does that means?? that the earth is really flat? that gallio was wrong? that britney is better that bethoven????

you really think that quality is democratic????? and that really is affected by the opinion of the masses???? what do you mean  with that statement?


The number of copies the game sells are only important if you are Nintendo. It mean nothing of its quality. You're argument can be turned to say "if Ninjabread man sold 10 million copies it would be a good game".



Quality may not be democratic, but popular opinion is one good indication of quality. Ninjabread man did not sell 10 million copies did it? Why? Because it is not a good game.

As for your analogies: who here has their ipods filled only with classics? I think it is clear the posters on this site are more appreciative of classical music than many, but you can't always be in the mood for Vivaldi (I'm not saying Britney Spears here mind you!)

Hambergers are sometimes better than file minion, baseball games are sometimes better than operas, and yes Hondas are sometimes better than Ferraris.

"You can never jump away from Conclusions. Getting back is not so easy. That's why we're so terribly crowded here."

Canby - The Phantom Tollbooth