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--OkeyDokey-- said:
frybread said:
Miyamoto is probably past the point of caring about money.

Why does he work then? To see the smiles on the childrens faces? :P

Uh, yeah.

And from Entertainment Weekly last year.

"With rising budgets, I understand why game companies have a great deal of concern if they don't design games in this way. But you need to create what you want to create! In that sense, I would really like to see people develop games like I do. When I show a game to people I don't ask their opinion or give them a survey. I just watch their eyes and their face while they play. Do they smile? Do they look frustrated? So I guess I do test my games — but it isn't very scientific."

And from CNET this monday.

"Q: How important is the success of Wii Music to Nintendo's business, given the current global economic collapse?

Miyamoto: Our mission is to put smiles on people's faces with our games. I feel very strongly that Wii Music does that, which is important in times like this. From a business perspective, it's been shown historically that entertainment industries aren't as adversely affected by rough economic times as other industries. On top of that, I hope Wii is in a strong position, because we've really positioned it as a device for the entire family. And when you compare the value you get out of Wii to other entertainment options, I would argue that Wii Music is an exceptional value for families' entertainment dollars."

Not sure why I'm wasting my time, you and others will just ignore this and probably use the last line in the paragraph I posted above to fuel the flames of hate.