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Forums - Sony Discussion - NEW KILLZONE 2 trailer : BEST GRAPHICS EVER confirmed

blackstar said:
@makingmusic: there will be a forest level -possible-


Possible, but that's hardly a confirmation.  Legend of Dragoon 2?  lulz

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stonj said:
i still cant call it best graphics ever seeing as to me that looks like all pre rendered footage until i see proper gameplay i wont say good or bad tbh
but i cant see it being a system seller something in my gut tells me people are going meh killzone 1 was crap 2 meh

As someone who's played the game, trust me, that's in-game footage.  ;)


stonj: It's a mixture of in-game footage (albeit mostly from a different camera angle) and some in-engine cut scenes.

Basically, that really is what the game looks like.

(You gotta love it when a game's graphics look so good that people refuse to believe it's in-game.)

This game looks amazing. wOW!

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

^^ "High Quality Killzone 2 Beta Sniping Gameplay"

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Those textures are looking better and better.

KZ2 to MM is like Fable to starcraft

That looked amazing, but I seriously doubt the game is going to be good. GG aren't good developers.

@MakingMusic, Wow those Gifs are sweet