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Forums - Sony Discussion - NEW KILLZONE 2 trailer : BEST GRAPHICS EVER confirmed

That was emotional I nearly cried,

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I like it.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Wow, holy hell.... It seems when it comes to over-the-top pretty graphics Square Enix just got OWNED by GG. nice never thought i'd see the day that a real-time FPS Destroys an RPG.

Wow apart from the awesome graphics, great smoke etc.

The most amazing thing are the animations of all soldiers. They move amazingly real. Best movement animations I have ever seen in a game.

Kyros said:
Wow apart from the awesome graphics, great smoke etc.

The most amazing thing are the animations of all soldiers. They move amazingly real. Best movement animations I have ever seen in a game.


I knew it was something besides the raw power of the graphics! YES the way the move is unreal! like a movie or somewere along those lines! good eye man.

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I just can't get enough of the trailer,,,,,,Gekko at then end confirmed?lol




kowenicki said:
I hope it looks that good I really do. But having seen RES2 trailers and played the beta the difference is marked. Most of that trailer doesnt look like gameplay to me.

When it comes to FPS graphics matter a lot to me so I hope KZ2 looks as beautiful as this trailer... my PS3 is lacking a shooter at the moment. Come on guerilla... deliver!


 wouldnt that be due to the fact that the game you are playing is very compressed and missing data and an earlier build and multi player?

Wow - that was an awesome trailer, pure epicness on a Blu-Ray.
I wish someone would take a leaf out of these guys book and make a game similar to this in the Warhammer 40k universe...

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

kowenicki said:
I hope it looks that good I really do. But having seen RES2 trailers and played the beta the difference is marked. Most of that trailer doesnt look like gameplay to me.

When it comes to FPS graphics matter a lot to me so I hope KZ2 looks as beautiful as this trailer... my PS3 is lacking a shooter at the moment. Come on guerilla... deliver!

The R2 beta has inferior textures to the full version - so you won't have to download lots... ask me for some R2 gameplay videos if you want them, those are from the near full version.


This does look really good. I think better than Gears 2. Some of the animation is as though the torso and lower body move independently. The legs look good jumping over stuff but the weight of their walk looks a little off. I might pick this up for my PC. Maybe.