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Forums - Sony Discussion - NEW KILLZONE 2 trailer : BEST GRAPHICS EVER confirmed

Killzone 2 looks so amazing! I can't wait

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Jo21 said:
radha said:
yeah there is too much gray, lets put some pink on those bad ass marines a some yellow flowers on the helgans[/sarcams]

OMG, what the ... is that ??? in game? dear lord!!


resistance managed to pull that out..

in orick everything its colorful but aliens, especially the chimera titan doesn't look less bad ass.

Well am sorry but i cant shoot at a helgan with a flower on him, i would have no respect for him. Now homofobics would have  blast with that.


dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

The Graphics are amazing. I hope the years and effort that have gone into this title pay off.

Gnosis said:
The Graphics are amazing. I hope the years and effort that have gone into this title pay off.

hopefully GG will serve some crow for the doubters





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the trailer is up on gametrailers aswell:

The version on GameTrailers is zoomed in, off center, and upscaled. It looks like crap compared to the one in the OP. :(

^ too bad, I can't watch the original version of the trailer

I should get in the beta because I put up with all the fanboys on this website for a year and a half. Sony owes me.

R2 beta is cool, though.

lol mirson failed so much

too bad for haters, for the moment, KZ2 is flawedless ^^

Time to Work !