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Forums - Sony Discussion - NEW KILLZONE 2 trailer : BEST GRAPHICS EVER confirmed

Mirson said:
makingmusic476 said:
Mirson said:
That looked amazing, but I seriously doubt the game is going to be good. GG aren't good developers.


Are people still pulling this fucking "kz1 sucked, so kz2 will suck" card? Even after all we've seen?  All the previews we've read?  All the gameplay impressions to be had?

A couple of points for you to think about:

1. Killzone was a good game, marred by technical glitches. Killzone Liberation was a great game.

2. Since the release of both, Sony has purchased Geurrilla Games, and beefed up their team size, while giving them a ginormous budget and providing assistance from other internal development teams (all of Sony's teams work together in some fashion).  The Geurrilla Games of today is hardly the Geurrilla Games of four years ago.

3. When was the last time an internally developed Sony game was bad?

4. Have you even played the game!?  I think not.


Shellshock was also bad, IMO, and it was developed by GG. Killzone Liberation was okay, and it wasn't an FPS.


All development studios start somewhere.  Before Crash Bandicoot, Naughty Dog made Way of the Warrior.  Before Baldur's Gate, BioWare made Shattered Steel.  

And from somebody who has actually PLAYED the game, you're flat out wrong.

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CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS GAME!! i loved the first one and ever since i saw the 2005 e3 trailer i knew this game was gonna be sick and from what im seeing its easily one of my 2009 must get titles

"If new things are so great, where have they been the whole time?"

You're killing me with all those screenshots; I'm gonna start drooling if you keep it up. Any word on when they'll open up the beta?

Phase 3 invites go out tomorrow from what I understand, depending on who won the contest for downloading the kz2 theme on the EU store.

Not sure when they'll put up a theme on the NA store, but I'm sure it'll be soon. Phase 2 invites for NA went out just a week and a half after they did for Europe, from what I understand.

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Cool, I like how the flammable barrel in that one cut at about the 1:02 mark isn't red.


While it'd still explode, great that it's not the cliche red.

Hm, seems Phase 3 e-mails are already going out.

Edit: Nevermind, turns out some people were BS'ing.  They should be going out pretty soon, though.

I had a dream that Killzone 2 got a 5.5 from IGN and was called a "Beautiful Disappointment" and in my dream I actually thought "Oh boy, VGChartz is going to be a riot after this" then I realized it wasn't February and woke instantly after that.

all the above actually did happen...or didn't happen technically

I am not a fan of the dark and grey ink we see in so many games but oh wel can be a good game.

IllegalPaladin said:
Dgc1808 said:

Somethings not right...... Console games aren't supposed to look this good....

EDIT:.... am not buying R2... I'll wait till it's cheaper. But I will pick up KZ2 soon after release..... This game just looks FAR too awesome and I will have alot of games to play so I can hold off...


You're right, this is actually the PC version that hasn't been announced yet.


AH HA!! That MUST be it!!!

4 ≈ One