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Forums - Sony Discussion - White Knight Chronicles/stories japan sells

crossbone said:
from amazon's bestseller, its similar with fable2, and worse than TLR
I think it's just about 100-150K first week, no more than 250k LTD


I always wanted to do this

Save the baby seals! Please, I'm begging you, don't use amazon to justify your opinion in sales! It hurts them!

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1M just in Japan, slap on the "from the makers of DQ7" in the adverts and people will be running to buy the game. Add on that this is the first major JRPG for the console and it releases on Christmas day with absolutely no competition it is sure to sell very well.

crossbone WKC is 2 months away, Fable 2 releases soon as does TLR. LBP was at 180 before TGS and now look where it is, dont be shocked when you see big WKC numbers.

Wait did you say no more than 250K LTD in Japan? A level 5 JRPG selling only double a niece franchise such as TOV and tri-ACE's retarded child IU.............great logic there buddy.

Kingdizzii said:
1M just in Japan, slap on the "from the makers of DQ7" in the adverts and people will be running to buy the game. Add on that this is the first major JRPG for the console and it releases on Christmas day with absolutely no competition it is sure to sell very well.


Personally, I think tossing in "From the makers of DQVIII" and "From the makers of Prof. Layton" would really help.

Yep those 2 games sell fantastic in Japan so telling people that they are the same people behind WKC is sure to drive sales.

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crossbone said:
from amazon's bestseller, its similar with fable2, and worse than TLR
I think it's just about 100-150K first week, no more than 250k LTD

You really are new to VGC.

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crossbone said:
from amazon's bestseller, its similar with fable2, and worse than TLR
I think it's just about 100-150K first week, no more than 250k LTD


What's with  the Amazon link? Can't read Japanese...


250k lifetime? With it's promising features(In my opinion, more promising than TLR)... HELL NO way!!! And how can you compare when it's not yet even released?

Persona4 = WIN

PSP fanboi

200K day1
500K week 1
600K month 1
800K lifetime

codename64546 said:
crossbone said:
from amazon's bestseller, its similar with fable2, and worse than TLR
I think it's just about 100-150K first week, no more than 250k LTD


What's with  the Amazon link? Can't read Japanese...


250k lifetime? With it's promising features(In my opinion, more promising than TLR)... HELL NO way!!! And how can you compare when it's not yet even released?

He wants to prove that WKC will sell bad because it's below Fable II and below TLR in


I'd say it will go above 1M at some point, this game is going to be huge and US/Japan regardless, PS3 needs an exclusve RPG to call its own and i think White Knight is gonna be the one to fit the bill. just my opinion of course,