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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Minute. Cassamasina asks about hardcore games

Jo21 said:
oh yes punch out and sin and punishment are so hardcore >_o... not.


Have fun not being taken seriously by anyone on this site ever again.

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Jo21 said:
oh yes punch out and sin and punishment are so hardcore >_o... not.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Jo21 said:
oh yes punch out and sin and punishment are so hardcore >_o... not.

 ROFLMAO. Did you just describe a Treasure game as not hardcore? Seriously? Are you high? Their games take hardcore gamers out back and crush their nuts with a dement block as an opening act. There is no way to describe anyone of the many marvelous games as anything but a gift to the most hardcore who think they are good at games. Go look up a handful of videos on Ikaruga, Sin and Punishment, Gunstar Heroes, or hell any game they have ever created and then come back here and I dare you to try and say their games aren't hardcore.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Jo21 said:
oh yes punch out and sin and punishment are so hardcore >_o... not.


More core than littlebigplanet haha.

core is not hardcore

core= fans of nintendos in the previous generations. continued franchises such as mario kart and animal crossing are therefore core games

hardcore: games that are 'cool' games that look like they could be epic movies. boradly anyway, it can also be other cool stuff like games based or car racing or rock music

not saying that one is better than the other just defining them

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


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Matt's really gone off his rocker since E3 this year.

woopah said:
core is not hardcore

core= fans of nintendos in the previous generations. continued franchises such as mario kart and animal crossing are therefore core games

hardcore: games that are 'cool' games that look like they could be epic movies. boradly anyway, it can also be other cool stuff like games based or car racing or rock music

not saying that one is better than the other just defining them


Hardcore is a term used by PC gamers that play for hours on end in games like WoW.  Hardcore for console gamers is something adapted by morons to signify an elitish feel.  Core is of course as you said, the loyals of a certain company and the core games is the one they are more apt to play.  A hardcore game is essentially the same as a core game except doesn't have to go for the stereotypes of the core base and is more broad.

DKII said:
Matt's really gone off his rocker since E3 this year.

Haha ya think.  Using his powers of the media to affect opinions of the gamers to change Nintendo's PR.  It's working but it's childish and uncalled for.


I remenber this the other day is nice that they mention sin and punishment 2,punch out,madworld and the conduit those are my most anticipated wii games.

SHMUPGurus said:
Rhonin the wizard said:
SHMUPGurus said:
Jo21 said:
oh yes punch out and sin and punishment are so hardcore >_o... not.

Where do you want to receive my kick? In the face, or in the ''private'' parts? =P

Honestly, you should have talked about the part where she said Pokémon Ranger is hardcore.

She never mentioned the word hardcore.

She didn't, but you can assume it almost comes down to it when the question was about if Nintendo is really ignoring hardcore gamers. I guess it's reading comprehension... or I just want to hear what I want? o_O


The interviewer used the word 'hardcore', she used "core". When someone from Nintendo uses the word "core" they are referring to people who play Nintendo games, in that aspect Pokemon Ranger is a game for core gamers.