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woopah said:
core is not hardcore

core= fans of nintendos in the previous generations. continued franchises such as mario kart and animal crossing are therefore core games

hardcore: games that are 'cool' games that look like they could be epic movies. boradly anyway, it can also be other cool stuff like games based or car racing or rock music

not saying that one is better than the other just defining them


Hardcore is a term used by PC gamers that play for hours on end in games like WoW.  Hardcore for console gamers is something adapted by morons to signify an elitish feel.  Core is of course as you said, the loyals of a certain company and the core games is the one they are more apt to play.  A hardcore game is essentially the same as a core game except doesn't have to go for the stereotypes of the core base and is more broad.