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Forums - Sales Discussion - 360 is doing ok but considering...

krimoz911 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

It's meant to push Q4 sales. Just wait until Q4 is over to pass judgement. After this quarter is over, it's back to the drawing boards for Microsoft.



The holiday season is the real reason behind this pricecut, M$ doesn't care about the sales of the few slow monthes before that.


ps3'strength = bluray   xbox360's=low price sku

Well said the real battle is coming this CHRISTMAS.  The price drop will be relazied when mom goes to get Johnny his PS3 sees the 360 aracade for $200.00 and says why cant I get him that!!!  Yes we all know they will need HD and other things but Grandma can pick up the Hard drive and auntie some games.  Mom leaves paying $200.00 instead of $400.00


The economic slump plays into MS startegy very well.


PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

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kowenicki said:
Krill said:
I tried to get an arcade for £99 but there were none available. I read Game or one of the other big game stores bought up all the inventory from Sainsbury's. If someone knows where to get a 360 at this price please provide a link.

Also, PS3 fanboys have been saying since the release of the PS3 that it is better value because it has blu-ray, built in wireless and free online support. Now that Microsoft has reduced the price of the arcade (which is the only SKU that Sony fanboys refer to) PS3 fanboys don't use that argument.

Look at it this way: using the original PS3 fanboy logic, they offer comparable value at their respective price points, and sell similar numbers.


before it was the 360 is a rip off.... now its too cheap!!  lol.  pathetic, it really is.

People contemplate and come to different conclusions based on the situations presented.
Or did you want them to spout the same mantra over and over again no matter the circumstances?

Stop putting words in people's mouths.
No one here said it was was a rip off or it's too cheap.
You made insults to your own console of choice just to try to call people "pathetic".
The purpose of this thread is to ask why the Xbox360 isn't selling more against the PS3 despite reaching the sweetspot pricepoint.

Which I personally think is because of brandname. That and the whole RROD fiasco.

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iclim4 said:
kowenicki said:
Krill said:
I tried to get an arcade for £99 but there were none available. I read Game or one of the other big game stores bought up all the inventory from Sainsbury's. If someone knows where to get a 360 at this price please provide a link.

Also, PS3 fanboys have been saying since the release of the PS3 that it is better value because it has blu-ray, built in wireless and free online support. Now that Microsoft has reduced the price of the arcade (which is the only SKU that Sony fanboys refer to) PS3 fanboys don't use that argument.

Look at it this way: using the original PS3 fanboy logic, they offer comparable value at their respective price points, and sell similar numbers.


before it was the 360 is a rip off.... now its too cheap!!  lol.  pathetic, it really is.

People contemplate and come to different conclusions based on the situations presented.
Or did you want them to spout the same mantra over and over again no matter the circumstances?

Stop putting words in people's mouths.
No one here said it was was a rip off or it's too cheap.
You made insults to your own console of choice just to try to call people "pathetic".
The purpose of this thread is to ask why the Xbox360 isn't selling more against the PS3 despite reaching the sweetspot pricepoint.

Which I personally think is because of brandname. That and the whole RROD fiasco.

The RROD didnt help as well as MS is not a well loved company..

I think this christmas will be the true test of the price cut


PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

kowenicki said:

Thats just plain wrong.  The arguement for the last 2 years has been exactly that.  PS3 fans stating that the PS3 was better value actually and that the 360 was too expensive once you added in all the "bits".  

Lets face it the 360 is doing much much better than anyone expected at the start of this gen and thats why the Sony fans are rattled and look for any old nonsense to put it down.

What is plain wrong?
The argument last 2 years ago was that the ps3 doesn't have any games. 360 fans stating that the PS3 sucked because all it had was one single good FPS. Why aren't 360 fanboys using that argument now? because circumstances change.

Yes the 360 is doing much better than most people expected at the start of this generation (So is the Wii for that matter) but that was 3 years ago, you need to check current trends. You wouldn't expect the Wii to sell less than the PS3 or the Xbox360 this holiday season would you?(That was what most people thought at the start of this gen)

This thread isn't nonsense. The Xbox360 can do better with this price point, why isn't it?
It's a viable discussion topic, yet you take offense from it, why?

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And did you know I double posted...

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

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kowenicki said:

Nobody can answer that with any authority, but maybe it will a redundant question after the holidays... I think it may well be.   So lets revisit this in january shall we.

Same way no one here can really predict game sales with any authority, yet members here still try to do predictions.
Half of it is for fun, others just want to try an educated guess, others just want to discuss it.
They could wait til the game comes out before doing predictions but where would the purpose and fun be in that.
But sure, if you want to revisit this thread by January, then by all means, go for it. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

iclim4 said:
kowenicki said:

Thats just plain wrong.  The arguement for the last 2 years has been exactly that.  PS3 fans stating that the PS3 was better value actually and that the 360 was too expensive once you added in all the "bits".  

Lets face it the 360 is doing much much better than anyone expected at the start of this gen and thats why the Sony fans are rattled and look for any old nonsense to put it down.

What is plain wrong?
The argument last 2 years ago was that the ps3 doesn't have any games. 360 fans stating that the PS3 sucked because all it had was one single good FPS. Why aren't 360 fanboys using that argument now? because circumstances change.

Yes the 360 is doing much better than most people expected at the start of this generation (So is the Wii for that matter) but that was 3 years ago, you need to check current trends. You wouldn't expect the Wii to sell less than the PS3 or the Xbox360 this holiday season would you?(That was what most people thought at the start of this gen)

This thread isn't nonsense. The Xbox360 can do better with this price point, why isn't it?
It's a viable discussion topic, yet you take offense from it, why?

Its a niable thread depending on what your sales expectations of the price cut were?

2 years ago the PS3 didnt have any games...  You got that right the PS3 has a strong line up coming this christmas you cant use that argument.

I guess the fact is the well timed price cut has put the 360 selling week over wekk more than the PS3 so I would consider it a success for MS.  You need to define better it was welling less than the PS3 before the price cut selling more after that is a success.  Can it be discussed sure.

Me personally never take offense though




PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

iclim4 said:
kowenicki said:

Thats just plain wrong.  The arguement for the last 2 years has been exactly that.  PS3 fans stating that the PS3 was better value actually and that the 360 was too expensive once you added in all the "bits".  

Lets face it the 360 is doing much much better than anyone expected at the start of this gen and thats why the Sony fans are rattled and look for any old nonsense to put it down.

What is plain wrong?
The argument last 2 years ago was that the ps3 doesn't have any games. 360 fans stating that the PS3 sucked because all it had was one single good FPS. Why aren't 360 fanboys using that argument now? because circumstances change.

Yes the 360 is doing much better than most people expected at the start of this generation (So is the Wii for that matter) but that was 3 years ago, you need to check current trends. You wouldn't expect the Wii to sell less than the PS3 or the Xbox360 this holiday season would you?(That was what most people thought at the start of this gen)

This thread isn't nonsense. The Xbox360 can do better with this price point, why isn't it?
It's a viable discussion topic, yet you take offense from it, why?

Just to put in some numbers the xbox was being outsold by ps3 20-30k prior to the price cut. which means its jumped around 40k units/week. Not too shabby- a 20-25% increase is pretty decent.


PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

I think 360 must do much better than that too.

Lets compare it with ps3,
Equally good games, better online but not free unlike ps3, lower price point.

Then everything being equal, it MUST sell much better than ps3 though it sells barely the same, slightly better today. The key point here is that everything is NOT equal. Sony has a brand name, which is phenomenal in Europe. Xbox is still not well known or well regarded in "Others". In many countries, Console = Playstation. Here are a few points about xbox shares (generally),
- It (xbox shares) increases as English Language prevails,
- It increases as the development level of a country increases.
- It decreases from America to the East.

Lets compare it with wii,
- 360 has Much better games than wii in terms graphical quality and from hardcore gamer's perspective. However, Wii has a much better line-up of intriguing, innovative, much more accessible, and much simpler, more addictive, and more party games with a well known 1st-2nd party support and brand loyalty.

- 360 has much better online but not free unlike wii
- Wii is compatible with gamecube and supports many legacy nintendo titles
- Pricing is much simpler and design is much more efficient and sleek.

Above all, there is the Nintendo brand.... Its still unbelivable that against all that price-cut nintendo sells more than twice 360! I, personally am a 360-PS3 fan, and dont like nintendo games, but some facts need to be admitted.

Playstation 5 vs XBox Series Market Share Estimates

Regional Analysis  (only MS and Sony Consoles)
Europe     => XB1 : 23-24 % vs PS4 : 76-77%
N. America => XB1 :  49-52% vs PS4 : 48-51%
Global     => XB1 :  32-34% vs PS4 : 66-68%

Sales Estimations for 8th Generation Consoles

Next Gen Consoles Impressions and Estimates

Hmmm, it costs half as much as the PS3 yet it only outsold it by 20,000 last week. And it's been outselling it by less and less each week since the price cut. LAWL.