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iclim4 said:
kowenicki said:

Thats just plain wrong.  The arguement for the last 2 years has been exactly that.  PS3 fans stating that the PS3 was better value actually and that the 360 was too expensive once you added in all the "bits".  

Lets face it the 360 is doing much much better than anyone expected at the start of this gen and thats why the Sony fans are rattled and look for any old nonsense to put it down.

What is plain wrong?
The argument last 2 years ago was that the ps3 doesn't have any games. 360 fans stating that the PS3 sucked because all it had was one single good FPS. Why aren't 360 fanboys using that argument now? because circumstances change.

Yes the 360 is doing much better than most people expected at the start of this generation (So is the Wii for that matter) but that was 3 years ago, you need to check current trends. You wouldn't expect the Wii to sell less than the PS3 or the Xbox360 this holiday season would you?(That was what most people thought at the start of this gen)

This thread isn't nonsense. The Xbox360 can do better with this price point, why isn't it?
It's a viable discussion topic, yet you take offense from it, why?

Just to put in some numbers the xbox was being outsold by ps3 20-30k prior to the price cut. which means its jumped around 40k units/week. Not too shabby- a 20-25% increase is pretty decent.


PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks