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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft getting sued hard, (vid)

JaggedSac said:
misteromar mk4 said:
The thing I find most offensive is how long they dragged their feet in improving the reliability. Its only realy now, 3 years down the road that 360's are any where nears as reliable as they should be.

Extending warranties and all that stuff is M$ doing the cheapest thing possible to not get sued or trouble from government's for their product. They would have had a team of accountants type people, figuring out what was cheaper, fix the problem properly, quickly or stick band aids on it and take their time. They took the cheap option at consumers expense.

Its gonna RROD will hurt M$ more next gen than this, who is gonna be a early adopter with their history now. If a console has a slow start it never recovers, 3rd party support dies, etc etc


Me.  I still have my original box.  1 RRoD, 2 weeks, pretty painless.

Surprise surprise.  Another 360 user willing to totally dismiss the fact that they were sold a faulty product.  Why oh why do people play this off as no big deal because they were only without their console for a couple of weeks?  The point is you should not have ever been without your console.


Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.

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Torillian said:
The title to this thread makes it sounds like a porn.

Oh yeah, they're suing MS so hard......God that's hot.


true lol owned

With the amount money that M$ has they can probably bribe the Judge.

"Sir, how's 1billion to let us of the hook we promise we wont do it again"

Next month we get Vista upgrades M$ makes money back.

*Al Bundy's My Hero*


*Al Bundy For President*

Waiting On GT7!!!

 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller

I bet ahcheng can't breath right now!!

*Al Bundy's My Hero*


*Al Bundy For President*

Waiting On GT7!!!

 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller

TheTruthHurts! said:
MS already spent a ton to extend warrenties, replace systems, ect. I highly doubt this will hold up considering the measures already taken. Sounds like they are reaching in the hopes of lining their pockets.....,it's kinda sad....really.....T_T....!

It was over a year before they started doing anything about. And if they knew about the problem before launch then they deserve to be sued for releasing a defective product which they didnt even acknowledge for the first year it was out.


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In other news the prosecution has requested a change of venue to Cupertino where it is expected the Apple Employee jury will find MS guilty within 15 minutes of deliberations with no trial needed

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me

its not gonna stick ms has already spent a billion on the warranty



  The King Of The Iron Fist tournament

Warranty is NOT the same as refund. Also there are punitive damages beyond simple repair damages if they knew about its failure rate, did not make that public, and released it anyway.

Additionally there is a even more criminal act in covering up the problem for months AFTER it was made plain to them. They announced the warranty deal well over a year after release, what do you think the chances are they didn't know about the problems within a few weeks or months?

The released what they knew to be a lemon, lied about it, got complaints, lied some more and then FINALLY owned up to it when the horridly bad press about the coverup started.

It's not the crime, making a crap console, its the coverup that should be punished. I hope it will be (it almost certainly will be if it ends up being a jury trial). 


   If I knew I was buying a really unreliable machine that was just WAITING to fail twice, I would never ever have made the purchase in the first place.  I guarantee there are a lot of 360 owners with failed consoles who would not have made the purchase if they had known about the failure rate (I bought mine in march 06 well before the story broke.)  Many companies have done full recalls on MUCH less.  MS was trying to pretend the problem didn't exist when they knew damn well it did.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me

Quick question - sorry, vid's blocked for me :( - but will this refund require handing over the 360 back to MS permanently if successful? or it it just money back and keep the console?
If it's handing back permanently, i can't see too many people taking advantage of this

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

If there are punitive damages its money in your pocket. You almost never have to return the item to get the refund, you write the lawfirm and they cut you a check.

Even if you DO have to give them your 360 if you have an old one, you would get the refund for what you paid THEN. That means you'd get 400 or so back from them, since a new 360 is 200, you could just take the refund, ditch your old unreliable 360 and then buy a 200 dollar newer one.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me