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JaggedSac said:
misteromar mk4 said:
The thing I find most offensive is how long they dragged their feet in improving the reliability. Its only realy now, 3 years down the road that 360's are any where nears as reliable as they should be.

Extending warranties and all that stuff is M$ doing the cheapest thing possible to not get sued or trouble from government's for their product. They would have had a team of accountants type people, figuring out what was cheaper, fix the problem properly, quickly or stick band aids on it and take their time. They took the cheap option at consumers expense.

Its gonna RROD will hurt M$ more next gen than this, who is gonna be a early adopter with their history now. If a console has a slow start it never recovers, 3rd party support dies, etc etc


Me.  I still have my original box.  1 RRoD, 2 weeks, pretty painless.

Surprise surprise.  Another 360 user willing to totally dismiss the fact that they were sold a faulty product.  Why oh why do people play this off as no big deal because they were only without their console for a couple of weeks?  The point is you should not have ever been without your console.


Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.