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Warranty is NOT the same as refund. Also there are punitive damages beyond simple repair damages if they knew about its failure rate, did not make that public, and released it anyway.

Additionally there is a even more criminal act in covering up the problem for months AFTER it was made plain to them. They announced the warranty deal well over a year after release, what do you think the chances are they didn't know about the problems within a few weeks or months?

The released what they knew to be a lemon, lied about it, got complaints, lied some more and then FINALLY owned up to it when the horridly bad press about the coverup started.

It's not the crime, making a crap console, its the coverup that should be punished. I hope it will be (it almost certainly will be if it ends up being a jury trial). 


   If I knew I was buying a really unreliable machine that was just WAITING to fail twice, I would never ever have made the purchase in the first place.  I guarantee there are a lot of 360 owners with failed consoles who would not have made the purchase if they had known about the failure rate (I bought mine in march 06 well before the story broke.)  Many companies have done full recalls on MUCH less.  MS was trying to pretend the problem didn't exist when they knew damn well it did.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me