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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft getting sued hard, (vid)

megaman79 said:
Wow, refund on every system? Thats kinda scary but you better believe MS will fight tooth and nail and appeal for another 20 years before paying a cent.

I suppose now we find out just how legitimate all these sources actually are


 refund for everyone that sends it in... I also don't think the US can force MS to pay outside the country buyers.... but yeah... it's huge.

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Well how many of the older units still RROD on a regular basis? The warranty is going to start expiring on these units starting next month...

good for the people sueing

How can they be sued for this? They have a warranty for them, and you can't really get hurt from RROD. What are they suing for? Loss of fun-time?


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appolose said:
How can they be sued for this? They have a warranty for them, and you can't really get hurt from RROD. What are they suing for? Loss of fun-time?



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niksta2 said:
good for the people sueing


Jackpot justice .. pfff


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

A replacement is not as good as a refund. If I had the option to get a refund for my near launch 360 I would take it in a second. They can have the crapbox, I only still have it because noone will pay for a near launch 360 on ebay (wonder why). It's crapped out twice already (One RROD then it was the DVD drive the second time in my case) and I barely touch the thing, maybe an average of 30 hours a year since I got a PS3. Even outside of crashing its been the shoddiest piece of hardware I've ever owned out of 15 consoles.

My original Nintendo lasted 6 years before failing, my SNES never failed, N64, no failure, Gamecube, no failure, PS1/2/3 no problems, PSP, no problems, gameboy/advance/DS no problems, Dreamcast fine from the get go, Genesis fine, Wii no problems....

The only problem? 360. They deserve to be sued because they CLEARLY knew it sucked but wouldn't delay to fix it. They owe me a refund for selling me a product they knew was shady.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me

@impulsivity, Agreed, and something that can really justify this lawsuit is that when you go into a restaurant and have a Bad meal, you don't want another entree, you shouldn't have to pay for crappy food so why pay for a broken system.

The RROD problem ended up costing them over $1 billion not to mention the horribly bad press the console recieved. If it wasn't for RROD the 360 would probably be far ahead of the PS3 at this point.
Its hard for me to believe that instead of delaying the launch 2-3 months and simply adding a bigger heat sink MS decided to knowingly go ahead with such a catastrophic defect in their hardware. I'm willing to bet that MS will not lose this court case.


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well deserve.