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A replacement is not as good as a refund. If I had the option to get a refund for my near launch 360 I would take it in a second. They can have the crapbox, I only still have it because noone will pay for a near launch 360 on ebay (wonder why). It's crapped out twice already (One RROD then it was the DVD drive the second time in my case) and I barely touch the thing, maybe an average of 30 hours a year since I got a PS3. Even outside of crashing its been the shoddiest piece of hardware I've ever owned out of 15 consoles.

My original Nintendo lasted 6 years before failing, my SNES never failed, N64, no failure, Gamecube, no failure, PS1/2/3 no problems, PSP, no problems, gameboy/advance/DS no problems, Dreamcast fine from the get go, Genesis fine, Wii no problems....

The only problem? 360. They deserve to be sued because they CLEARLY knew it sucked but wouldn't delay to fix it. They owe me a refund for selling me a product they knew was shady.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me