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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Fable 2 character starting to look like Marcus Fenix

I want to see what he looks like too.

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This I want to see, I feel like everyone is teasing me because I cant play FII yet!

TC I know what you are talking about because I just did the spire section a few hours ago and thought the same thing that main character looks like someone out of gears of war.. but not now :P


Although if you bought the collectors edition you can make him look like master chief and have everyone in town call you that too.

TowlieIsABeast said:
Hey j-man you know there was recently a study showing people who talk in 3rd person are 98% of the time a faggot?

Whoa, nice one. I don't do bans anymore - but I'm sure the next mod who comes along will oblige.

Calling anyone a 'dead lump of wood', is just not socially or accepted on this board :P


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