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Forums - Sony Discussion - Has anyone else here played Killzone 2 AND R2 beta?

Kingdizzii said:
The game is just superior to R2 in every way, don't want to go into detail as I am under the NDA and don't want to get in trouble.

I myself am a EU Beta Tester so got into the beta over a month ago and have been playing phase 2. Phase 3 is set to begin tomorrow so will be downloading the new code then so will be interesting to see what changes in any have been made. I played R2 WELL before I got the Killzone 2 beta so that must have improved a lot as well and am getting the new code for that again tomorrow, I will be able to give final impressions on both games tomorrow.


It begins tomorrow!?!  Yes!

I was afraid there'd be a gap between phase 2 and phase 3, meaning I woulnd't be able to get my fix for a week or two. 

Man, I need to pay attention to the beta forums more, lol.

Around the Network

I think I'm gonna start stalking the Killzone 2 forum, just to make sure I don't miss any future anouncements on how to get into the beta. ^_^

I have none!

My bet: Killzone 2

Kingdizzii said:

If so which of the two did you find to be the better game? Personally by an absolute country mile Killzone 2 is the greater game, everything about it is superior besides of course it had no online co-op for which R2 is amazing however Killzone 2 when released will have co-op. Killzone 2 is so much more polished than Resistance 2 it is painfully obvious the delay was due to sales, R2 would have sold terribly if Killzone 2 released with it. I have played GeOW 2 in ways I am not proud of (going to buy the full game so calm down) and the MP is great but of the 3 Killzone 2 really is the better


Of course I can only compare online for the 3 games, GeOW 2 story was how you say stupid, Killzone 2 story should be great as Killzone 1 has great story and R2 I really have no idea about.




This guy opened up a new account to troll here

I played KZ2 beta in europe

I am playing R2 beta

I played full Gears 2 SP mode at my friends house who work at ebgames Maryland

based on what i played


1) R2 -----most fun MP and co-operative

2) KZ2 --fun online but not as fun as R2



3) Geow --easily the worst among the 3. has lamest SP mode. The MP mode sucks . I played it for 20 minutes at PAX 2008

Can someone complain to the MODS about this troll

He is creating threads to bash R2



Thats his opinion.

Around the Network

Killzone 2 comes out in 4 - 5 months. I will have logged 200 hours into R2 by the time it comes out. I have no doubt that Killsone 2 will be the better game, but the R2 beta is outstanding. The 8 player cooperative play is addictive as can be.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



lwhatee said:
Kingdizzii said:

If so which of the two did you find to be the better game? Personally by an absolute country mile Killzone 2 is the greater game, everything about it is superior besides of course it had no online co-op for which R2 is amazing however Killzone 2 when released will have co-op. Killzone 2 is so much more polished than Resistance 2 it is painfully obvious the delay was due to sales, R2 would have sold terribly if Killzone 2 released with it. I have played GeOW 2 in ways I am not proud of (going to buy the full game so calm down) and the MP is great but of the 3 Killzone 2 really is the better


Of course I can only compare online for the 3 games, GeOW 2 story was how you say stupid, Killzone 2 story should be great as Killzone 1 has great story and R2 I really have no idea about.




This guy opened up a new account to troll here

I played KZ2 beta in europe

I am playing R2 beta

I played full Gears 2 SP mode at my friends house who work at ebgames Maryland

based on what i played


1) R2 -----most fun MP and co-operative

2) KZ2 --fun online but not as fun as R2



3) Geow --easily the worst among the 3. has lamest SP mode. The MP mode sucks . I played it for 20 minutes at PAX 2008

Can someone complain to the MODS about this troll

He is creating threads to bash R2


I don't know if you noticed, but a mod already posted in this thread.  A mod who agreed with the OP.  ;)


makingmusic476 said:
lwhatee said:

This guy opened up a new account to troll here

I played KZ2 beta in europe

I am playing R2 beta

I played full Gears 2 SP mode at my friends house who work at ebgames Maryland

based on what i played


1) R2 -----most fun MP and co-operative

2) KZ2 --fun online but not as fun as R2



3) Geow --easily the worst among the 3. has lamest SP mode. The MP mode sucks . I played it for 20 minutes at PAX 2008

Can someone complain to the MODS about this troll

He is creating threads to bash R2

I don't know if you noticed, but a mod already posted in this thread.  A mod who agreed with the OP.  ;)

I suggest permabanning lwhatee for slandering poor Kingdizzii as a "troll".
(and more importantly, not noticing you as a Mod) DO ITTT! =P

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