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lwhatee said:
Kingdizzii said:

If so which of the two did you find to be the better game? Personally by an absolute country mile Killzone 2 is the greater game, everything about it is superior besides of course it had no online co-op for which R2 is amazing however Killzone 2 when released will have co-op. Killzone 2 is so much more polished than Resistance 2 it is painfully obvious the delay was due to sales, R2 would have sold terribly if Killzone 2 released with it. I have played GeOW 2 in ways I am not proud of (going to buy the full game so calm down) and the MP is great but of the 3 Killzone 2 really is the better


Of course I can only compare online for the 3 games, GeOW 2 story was how you say stupid, Killzone 2 story should be great as Killzone 1 has great story and R2 I really have no idea about.




This guy opened up a new account to troll here

I played KZ2 beta in europe

I am playing R2 beta

I played full Gears 2 SP mode at my friends house who work at ebgames Maryland

based on what i played


1) R2 -----most fun MP and co-operative

2) KZ2 --fun online but not as fun as R2



3) Geow --easily the worst among the 3. has lamest SP mode. The MP mode sucks . I played it for 20 minutes at PAX 2008

Can someone complain to the MODS about this troll

He is creating threads to bash R2


I don't know if you noticed, but a mod already posted in this thread.  A mod who agreed with the OP.  ;)