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Forums - Sony Discussion - Eternal Sonata (PS3) given 8.7 by IGN and 8.5 by Gamespot

Chrono Trigger did not look anything like Blue Dragon. There is a difference between something well stylized (like say the way Chrono or Marle look, they're still clearly human and not designed to look like they're 5) and something poorly stylized like say...Blue Dragon or Dragonball Z. The same thing applies for Breath of Fire's stylized aesthetic, the earlier Final Fantasies and most other JRPGs. Again there is a difference between doing something well and doing it poorly.

Lost Odyssey is quite simply a poorly executed modern JRPG. By modern JRPG I mean FFX, Shadow Hearts, Xenosaga ect. Games that attempt to get a lot closer to realism while maintaining a JRPG feel. It tried to do almost everything those games do, but just did it worse in every way.

Did I like Dragon Quest 8? Somewhat, though yes, I did not like the new "improved" visual style as much as I liked the older games though particularly DQ 4 (the branching paths were really fun). I just tend towards the graphical style of games like Suikoden, breath of fire, and the Shin megami Tensei games rather then the...I guess I'd call it Dragon Ball Z style of Dragon Quest 8 and Blue Dragon. Being stylized does not always have to mean being childish. Being childish or poorly designed is not required for a JRPG.

Disliking poor examples of the genre does not cause someone to no longer be a JRPG fan (though I will admit, lately, I have found more to like in Western RPGs like the Witcher, Mass Effect and Oblivion since it seems JRPG quality has fallen off a cliff outside Atlus ever since the merger of Square and Enix turned games like Parasite Eve and Vagrant Story into derivative crap like Chocobo Mystery Dungeon and FF Crystal Chronicles) Thank God for Atlus though, without games like Persona and Disgaea JRPGs would REALLY be in trouble.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me

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Stats87 said:

Both reviews said the game looks better then the 360 version (you would hope so) and that the added story elements, cutscenes and music really flesh out the game and improve the overall quality.

Having finished the game twice on the 360, i will share my thoughts.


Added Story Elements: I really don't care for added story elements since they make no sense whatsoever, maybe the simplified the story, cause its a complete mindfuck throughtout the whole fuckin game, you'll be begging for the game to end midway through chapter 5.

Added Cutscenes: From what i remember, there weren't much action cutscenes on the game, and the few were really lame, so i don't expect the new ones to make the game better.

Added Music - Now this is the only that mentioned that could add to the game , the game has one of the best soundtracks in a jrpg ever, and new music could mean more <3.


The thing that needed improvement was the actual gameplay: the characters are fuckin unbalanced, game difficulty is a complete cakewalk, and new enemies: since they all look the fucking same, you'll be killing an onion throught the whole fuckin game. Other than that i enjoyed this game a lot, i think its underrated, and ps3 people should buy it, but to say that paying extra $20 for 2 characters who appear in just the last 3 chapters, new outfits which i dont care about, new story stuff to confuse the player even more, cutscenes to make you fall asleep even more, and music is blasphemy, i don't think its a great deal, specially for a game that can be finished in 20 hours, you can get this game for 360 for 20-30  buxx online if you look carefuly.



It's a flawed game but still good nevertheless. If they fixed some of the problems, it would be great. The thing that annoyed me the most is that you couldn't choose which character you move on the field. You're obliged to move that annoying 16 years old guy that isn't even important in the story.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


Glad it got a decent score....but will it get decent sales? Heres hoping

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Played it for about 5 hours today. Absolutely love it so far. Battle system is awesome. Happy we've finally got a good RPG! :D

It's all about the game.

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Pretty good score.


good score, although the sales...

Persona4 = WIN

PSP fanboi

c0rd said:

IGN gave ToV an 8.2. So they like Eternal Sonata better than Tales of Vesperia? What I've heard from most people is ToV is much better, but it's all opinion I guess... I think reviews on JRPG's are even more worthless than usual.

I'm getting ES either way, once I can find it cheap. I haven't played a new home console JRPG in far too long.



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I beat the game when I had it on 360, and enjoyed it. The addition of all the extras (and the boxart is a def improvement) makes it worth a 2nd go-around.

Whenever i get the said cash. I will get it.

It's either repair my 360 or get this and Resistance 2.

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