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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Guitar Hero World Tour dilemma

Will the store contains all the songs of the other versions?

I say that because the list of songs available at launch doesn't seem complete.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


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I got the Wii versions so jump on the bandwagon.

Haha well ya know I probably a would have gotten 360 but I started out getting these music games on the Wii so I want to keep all the instruments on the same console. And it's not like GH: WT is gimped haha so your call though.

i dont know about the list....i guess they will continue adding songs.

I already got 2 songs, saved them in my SD card. Play directly from there.... This game is Win all over the place. You can actually see that this is a game made specifically for the wii and it wasnt made in 5 minutes.

Loving this game

Maynard- yep it is. I loved it when one of my friends tried to say don't get the Wii version because the graphics are worse. And I"m like, it's a turnbelt of little dots... what the hell does it matter haha.

Dude...have u gotten the Tool stage??? ITs so awesome....the art style for the stage is GREAT!!!! Damn, i cant wait to play this game tomorrow. Probably spend another 5 hours in it xD

Your friend is not the....brightest person i've heard of

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Maynard_Tool said:
Dude...have u gotten the Tool stage??? ITs so awesome....the art style for the stage is GREAT!!!! Damn, i cant wait to play this game tomorrow. Probably spend another 5 hours in it xD

Your friend is not the....brightest person i've heard of


Haha yea not that bright indeeed but he's cool just misguided.  But no haven't got Tool stage yet but I will soon.

Have any of you tried that Willie Nelson song on drums? I'm having the same problem as RB2, 32nd notes are really hard to get exact timing on. I can do single stroke rolls pretty decently, but it's really hard to get them as precise as these games want it.

Havent tried the drums that much. Since i dont really know how to play them, even though i used to play drums in real life.

But what i did, is that i went to practice mode, and i play dammit on expert (drums) because i used to play that song with my band. But i didnt look at the screen (i get so confused :s i guees i'll have to get used to it. IT dont own RB) so i just played it the way i used to played it in real life.....i got a 67%, so i guess its ok. I didnt expect the song to be exactly to real life, but i guess is pretty similar.

Ill start playing on medium, and try to go to hard as soon as posible. Hopefully i'll get to expert one day

I'm interested to see how I do on the drums. Back in High School and Middle school band I was able to play the percussion insturments really well considering I was a tuba player! I could do the Final Exams for the snare drum, but as far as a Drum Set is concerned I've always figured I could never do all that AND the base pedal together. Maybe I'll get my chance to see what I can do.

btw did any of yu hear about the guy on G4 or whatever who was able to learn an actual song because he practised on Rock Band? A guy at work told me that story.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself