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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do I look like Hideo Kojima?

You both look like nerds. lol


Damn things have changed since 2009 began. Here are my new visions for the end of the generation.


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From a first, brief glance, somewhat. Once you get a closer look, though, you look nothing like him, aside from the hair and glasses. Eyes, nose, mouth, facial structure, head shape - it's all completely different nowhere near similar.

¯¯¯¯¯¯My anti-drug™

He looks younger than you :-p


Why both of you are so serious??? hahaha

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No, the only similarity I see is that you both have black hair.

The BuShA owns all!

No haha.

u look like nick cage , when he is on drugs or something I guess :P

F.U. Fun University.

You are Hideo Kojima.

You are a younger clone obviously, I mean everyone thinks MGS wasn't based ona true story, but...