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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is Sony in serious trouble? Talk of closing factories, further shortfalls

Dinomax said:
ssj12 said:
Dinomax said:
ssj12 said:
It is because capitalism is at the bottom of its cycle. With gas prices falling and the holidays coming sooner Sony's sales will increase. Sony ended rear-projection TV manufacturing due to LCD TV manufacturing being cheaper and being the better sellers in the market. Once the economy picks back up thing will be back to normal.


So why is Nintendo still selling just fine?

Oh I forgot, before the economy crises Sony was selling billions of PS3 with free unicorns.  Damn economy...and Wii fit.



ummm Nintendo's stocks took a massive hit too. You obviously never took a basic economics class. Nintendo's console is still in demand, Nintendo still hasnt filled the demand with supply yet. So even with a shaky economy Nintendo can do well due to cheaper games and a cheap console that is in demand.

Video games are something that while not greatly effected is effected by the economy. Sony's console while a better vaue is considered but might not be purchased due to price tag. Meaning the Wii or 360 gets the sale or the person waits a few more weeks and gets the PS3. If the economy was like it was a year ago the PS3 would instantly have sold if said person wanted it.

Sony;s other ventures, are also taking a hit because electronics in general are not a needed thing. Food, water, shelter are the thing thats on everyone's mind. Buying any form of electronic entertainment device or electronic device in general comes in second due to cost versus need.

The same can be said about Microsoft, do you really think someone who can barely afford food will buy a new PC with a windows OS, an xbox 360, or a Zune? the answer is NO.


So your point is?  Sony weren't selling that great to began with then and everyone is starting to use the economy to scape goat for Sony poor sales now.

It wasn't now that was affecting Sony's sale, its being since launch.

>_>  Bro do you know there is a financial crisis going on?  Yeah Sony had a problem before but thx to the financial crisis it only gets bigger....Like a lot of companies have problems now;


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Yeah, he's pretty ignorant. He clearly doesn't understand, well, anything about economics. Nor the video game market, if he doesn't realize how much it changed when Sony came along.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

ssj12 said:
Dinomax said:
ssj12 said:

ummm Nintendo's stocks took a massive hit too. You obviously never took a basic economics class. Nintendo's console is still in demand, Nintendo still hasnt filled the demand with supply yet. So even with a shaky economy Nintendo can do well due to cheaper games and a cheap console that is in demand.

This paragraph ignores the fact that the 360 is now cheaper than the Wii in the US, and that it has been cheaper in Europe for a while now.

Oh, and it ignores the massive elephant in the room of why the "cheap in demand." (Hint: price isn't the biggest factor. See above.)

ssj12 said:

Video games are something that while not greatly effected is effected by the economy. Sony's console while a better vaue is considered but might not be purchased due to price tag. Meaning the Wii or 360 gets the sale or the person waits a few more weeks and gets the PS3. If the economy was like it was a year ago the PS3 would instantly have sold if said person wanted it.

This paragraph inserts the preferences of one ssj12 to stand in place of the values of the masses. Data indicates that this reasoning is flawed. Sony's console is demonstrably not a better value in most consumers' eyes. You may recall that a year ago, the PS3 did not instantly sell. Anywhere. At all.

ssj12 said:

Sony;s other ventures, are also taking a hit because electronics in general are not a needed thing. Food, water, shelter are the thing thats on everyone's mind. Buying any form of electronic entertainment device or electronic device in general comes in second due to cost versus need.

The same can be said about Microsoft, do you really think someone who can barely afford food will buy a new PC with a windows OS, an xbox 360, or a Zune? the answer is NO.

Which again brings us back to Nintendo. Their stock price is down, but unlike the other two demand for its products has not decreased, and its profits are still gi-normous. By contrast, we have Sony, who's slashing profit forecasts at the same time that Nintendo's raising theirs, and whose gaming division is "anemic" at best right now.

You're emphasizing stock price to the exclusion of everything else. Not smart, dude, not smart at all.



To summarize my post: you're ignoring the data, and replacing it with what you want to happen. You completely ignore large chunks of the data, and you don't bother to examine the impetus behind the data you do bring to the table.

  Knock yourself out, but don't expect the rest of us to accept your analysis...

ChichiriMuyo said:
Yeah, he's pretty ignorant. He clearly doesn't understand, well, anything about economics. Nor the video game market, if he doesn't realize how much it changed when Sony came along.


I'm sorry I don't know fully about economics being I'v never taken a course or have a diploma or bachelors degree like yourself. Please explain to us all mighty educated one.  Unless your just putting up a front on a internet forum.

Yeah I sure didn't also notice how much the video game market changed, being mostly a SEGA console owner as well a regular at the local arcades.

You sure got me there.


Sony has done a lot of this (at least in the gaming division) to themselves.

However, for all of their woes, they are certainly big and smart enough to pull themselves out of it, I think.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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scottie said:
Not necessarily TheTruthHurts

Sony is in this situation not because they got unlucky, but because they got complacent (not just the PS3, everything they've done recently) Maybe this will actually shock them into making good products again.


         You are right, we have all been up and down regarding Sony's financial debacle as well as MS's.  I guess my point was aimed more towards the idea that more competition is good, regarless of conslole owned.  I may be a big Wii60 fan, (though my Wii has been collecting a lot of dust lately).....I digress......I am a huge gaming fan first and foremost.  The PS3 is a great console and Sony is important, same goes for Nintendo and MS.  I just dont like seeing any gaming company hurting when it may/will have an influence on future creative gaming products, pricing, availability, choice, ect.  That's what I was trying to get at.

LOL @ the idea that Sony is on life support because it's lowered it's forecast of it's annual PROFIT!?!** How can a company be on life support when it's making money during an economic crisis? There are companies out there that lose millions of dollars a year and they are still around. Sony is turning a profit and you guys are acting like it's on life support.

Also some of you(not saying any names...) need to realize that the PS3 and the gaming division is only a small portion of the Sony product mix. The gaming division could be doing great while the stock goes down and vice versa it could be doing poorly and the stock could be going up. There are many other factors that determine the stock price of Sony other than how well the PS3 is doing.

@Dinomax Sony's products were selling great before. Especially their digital Camera's and their HDTV's.

Dinomax said:
ChichiriMuyo said:
Yeah, he's pretty ignorant. He clearly doesn't understand, well, anything about economics. Nor the video game market, if he doesn't realize how much it changed when Sony came along.


I'm sorry I don't know fully about economics being I'v never taken a course or have a diploma or bachelors degree like yourself. Please explain to us all mighty educated one.  Unless your just putting up a front on a internet forum.

Yeah I sure didn't also notice how much the video game market changed, being mostly a SEGA console owner as well a regular at the local arcades.

You sure got me there.


The only degree you need to understand the basics of economics is one from a half decent high school.  Some things you should realize are that Sony's stock price and overall health is not so directly related to its console sales (it's a much bigger company than video games), their stock drops have nothing to do with how poorly their vg sector is doing (otherwise they'd have had this trouble a long time ago), Sony's PS3 sales haven't been slowed one bit by the economy's downturn (its other products have), and all companies are taking a hit to some degree even while doing very well (like Nintendo) because the economy goes beyond simple sell-through numbers and profit margins. Really, there's a lot more going on than "Oh, the PS3's sales suck so lol" and in truth that's virtually a non-factor at this point.

Also, you seem to have absolutely no understanding what competition does to a market.  When Sony rose to power and added a third competitor to the market dozens of virtually unknown companies suddenly became stars and most of the companies that came before them were still doing fine.  While the PS certainly took market share from its competition, its very existance allowed the market to grow at a significantly faster pace than it would have otherwise because they brought a whole new perspecitve to the video game business.  More competitors = cheaper prices and/or improved products.  Because Sony came in and threw around a lot of money, a lot of games got made that wouldn't have otherwise and the companies that didn't benefit directly worked harder so they could keep their own share of the pie.  Sony really opened up Europe in a way that Sega could not, it created opportunities for developers that never would have been accepted in to the business otherwise, and it even spurred MS into action to create further competition.  Because Sony is in video games more money is being spent to compete for your attention as a gamer (rather than a comercial watcher) than any time before the PS1's launch.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

dejelek said:
so there is no chance ps3 will getting price cut, with xbox 360 have as many as 9 bundle for europe , also some new bundle for NA and Japan. and where is PS3 bundle ?


2 price cuts in europe couldnt put the 360 above ps3 for an extended time but some bundles will? there is nothing microsoft can do in europe.

GTAIV08 said:
dejelek said:
so there is no chance ps3 will getting price cut, with xbox 360 have as many as 9 bundle for europe , also some new bundle for NA and Japan. and where is PS3 bundle ?


2 price cuts in europe couldnt put the 360 above ps3 for an extended time but some bundles will? there is nothing microsoft can do in europe.


oh they don';t have to put xbox 360 above PS3, when actually now others number are 1:1 between ps3 & Xbox 360

that is a very good achievement on MS front.


also with most of bundling are mostly for ps3 exclusive games only, MS has smart move

they have bundel cover, Prince persia, TRU, COD WAW, very clever.


and don't forget, if MS want to cut price again, it can be done, too,

but Sony can not doing the same thing for PS3.


just think MS has so many component beside CPU & GPU that have more room for cutting cost

sony can not, expensive BD-ROM with slot loading, wifi, etc. and now funny thing is, if you bough PS3 last year with BC

now if you receive a replacement, actually you receive an inferior product, because there is no BC (no PS2 chip),